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Spencer School Board approves Tack Center curtains, receives Infant Care Center update

By Cheyenne Thomas The Spencer School Board listened to a few updates at its Jan. 24 meeting. District Administrator Mike Endreas gave a report on the progress made on the Infant Care Center. The construction project is continuing as scheduled, with tiling and ceiling work to be the next steps in the process. As construction continues, he said, the district has started to post for positions and is preparing to begin the hiring process.

“We have started posting positions and have had six applications so far,” he said. “We also put out a sign up that has 33 kids interested in coming to our daycare. About seven or eight of those kids are not residents in Spencer. It’s a good number and we will have to work out to see how many kids we can take. We plan to open on April 1 and have time in March for training of our new staff.”

The board also received an update on the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts. Tack Center Executive Director Daniel Worsham gave the report on some of the projects the Tack Center has been working on in the past several months. He also gave the board a proposal to replace every curtain in the Tack Center at a cost of approximately $47,000.

The curtain set would entirely replace the current set used at the center and would include a few new curtains such as a mid-stage curtain for smaller performances and wing curtains to hide objects or people from the audience. The new curtains would also be made of fireproof materials, which would mean they would no longer have to undergo a fire inspection each year. The cost of the curtains would be paid for with a $15,000 contribution from the Tack Center and another $15,000 donation, and Worsham asked if the school would be willing to contribute $15,000. The board approved the project and the school district donating $15,000.