Cadott Village Board - Housing development can only help growth

Andre Sloviak, Cadott resident, was present at the village board meeting Dec. 2, questioning what the plans are for a culvert near his property, in relation to the Winger development. It was decided that Cedar Corp. will take a look at the parcel, to see where it fits in to the project. Photo by Ginna Young
By Ginna Young
It’s been in the works for a while, but is now finally seeing progress – the Winger development along County Hwy. X in Cadott. The matter was discussed Dec. 2, at the Cadott Village Board meeting, with zoning changes approved for Daniel Winger, through Ordinance 2024-11.
As part of that, the change specifies that the property revert back to its existing A-1 zoning, if not fully subdivided within a year.
“It’s kind of a safeguard, in case something doesn’t go through,” said Josh Miller, Cedar Corp.
With the development, it will be subdivided into four different districts: commercial, multiple and R-4, R-1 and R-2, with a nice mix of housing opportunities.
“What point can you start selling lots?” asked Paul Winger.
Miller said as soon the parcel is subdivided, but that the family might not be able to build until infrastructure is in place.
“There are a lot of parts to it,” said Miller. It’s no secret that housing is at a premium in the village and president Randy Kuehni mentioned that developers are “crying out” for new places to build, meaning that Cadott is prime territory. More housing would mean more on the tax roll and hopefully, increase the population.
“I sure think it’d be great for Cadott,” said P. Winger.
While on the subject, resident Andre Sloviak questioned if the village will replace the culvert by his driveway, when the proposed projects along there take place.
“That culvert has to be moved to the east,” said Sloviak. Brian Chapman, Cedar Corp., was not sure if the culvert is part of the project, but will research the matter.
“We should definitely look at that,” said Chapman. The board also approved opening the remainder of Main Street for an ATV travel route. The motion passed, with five in favor (Ronnie Duncan, Louie Eslinger, Todd Seeley, Nicole Whip Sime, Eric Weiland) and one opposed (Terry Licht).
“Based on that, it is open on Main Street, all the way through,” said Kuehni.
Members also approved the $626,172 levy limit, with a mill rate of 0.021083652.
They also agreed on the hire of Rolly Tichy for part-time snow removal and Darrell Schneider, to work when the public works department is short-handed. The part-time employees will receive $20 an hour, with an annual increase of the same percentage for part-timers, so it is fair across the board.
“They’re just as important as the full-timers,” said Eslinger.