Vox Pop - Representative urges continued safety on campuses

Vox Pop
Dear UW System President Rothman, I am writing to express my concern about the “health, safety, and welfare of our community.” The protests that are occurring at the UW- campuses around the state bring the safety of our students into question. Not only do these illegal demonstrations create a hostile environment, as well as a safety concern, for your Jewish students and their allies, it also prevents finals and finals prep from happening smoothly as you have had state paid teachers walk out in protest. This poses a serious issue for those seeking graduation. Given the workforce shortage we are in, we cannot risk to hamstring our potential graduates due to actions of disruptive agitators.
As a staunch supporter of the First Amendment, I understand the need to protest safely. However as taxpayers foot the bill for your institutions, I also understand that actions have consequences. I agree with your statement on Sunday that the demands given by the students are “ludicrous,” especially due to the targeting of a private company in Oshkosh. There was one demand however that I find truly disturbing. I urge you not to remove police officers from campus. The safety of our campuses is too important to risk for political points.
As an elected official, I have received many concerns from my constituents about the actions of the students in your care, as well as the tantrum by your staff. I urge you to keep your students safe, and dismiss the staff that choose not to do their job.
— Nate Gustafson, State Representative, 55th Assembly District