A thens Senior Card Group
The Senior Citizens card group met on Feb. 22 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Two games of Sheepshead were played. Steve Klockziem won first place and Dave Perrodin came in second in the first game. Tom Ellenbecker won first and Andy Hoef came in second in the second game. Low score went to Pat Frank.
Newcomers are encouraged to come play Sheepshead every Thursday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at the Athens fire hall.
AHS Honor Roll
Highest Honors-4.0 GPA
12th grade: Jennifer Espinoza-Quiroz and Andrew Schaer 10th grade: Makayla Schreiner and Isabella Zastrow High Honors-3.5 GPA
12th grade: Sophia Coker, Jenna Handschke, Addison Lavicka, Jazelle Hartwig, Drew Haines, Faith Nowak, Jakob Annala, Ty Johnson, Garrett Knott, Abby Duerr, Logan Ebben, Katelynn Osborn, Alexa Weiler 11th grade: Bailey Hanke, Brianna Sheahan, Aleah Frahm, Sarai Aguilar-Hernandez, Malaina Telschow, Amanda Paul 10th grade: Danica Knott, Jordan Frahm Katelynn DenOtter, Sy’Rih Hartwig, Ava Ford, Eli Paul, Shaylon Blake, McKenna Lepak, Natalie Salber, Riley Schultz-Becker, Evin Passehl, Zachary Martyn 9th grade: Delaney Beasley, Ellis Baer, Cole Hartmann, Terah Schreiner, Bianca Boneske, Preston Schreiner, Karly Eckert, Dakota Nowacki, Grace Schreiner, Dale Felix, Autumn Diethelm Honors-3.0 GPA
12th grade: Ryan Welbes, Hunter Hawley, Cambrea Sarasin, Ryan Peel, Sydney Coker, Kaydin Streit, Paige Westaby 11th grade: Arwyn Stewart, Danica Diethelm, Kyle Schreiner, Kaden Auner, Nathan Osborn, Abby Diethelm, Brooklyn Soens 10th grade: John Zunker, Brandon Krause, Gavin Frahm 9th grade: Daxton Diethelm, Deven Blaubach, Ava Erickson, Jeffrey Draper, Garrett Frahm, Brock Beaty
Family Story Times
Bring your entire family to story time at the new Alfred Street location. Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to join library staff in Athens for this 30-minute program. Participants will read books, sing songs, and enjoy other literature-based activities.
Family Story Times will be held from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on March 4, 11, 18, and 25.
E dgar Family Story Times
Children of all ages and their parents and caregivers are invited to join library staff on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Edgar Branch for Family Story Time. Enjoy learning with all of your children through stories, songs and other literature-based activities in this 30-minute program. Family Story Times are March 5 and 19, from 11 to 11:30 a.m.
New Edgar Cookbook
Adults in the Edgar area are invited to contribute to a new Edgar Community Cookbook. Drop off recipes at the Marathon County Public Library’s Edgar Branch, 224 S. 3rd Ave., Edgar, or email recipes to MCPL.Edgar@co.marathon. before Sept. 1. Recipes will be compiled, printed, and added to the library’s collection. Call 715352-3155 for more info.
M arathon Family Story Times
Children of all ages and their parents/caregivers are invited to join library staff in Marathon City for story time each Thursday Participants will read books, sing songs, and more during their 3045 minutes together. Family Story Times are from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on March 7, 14, 21 and 28.
Legion Auxiliary
President Betty Blume called the Feb. 8 meeting of American Legion Auxiliary Post #469 to order with 18 members and one guest present. Opening meeting protocol was followed.
Opening prayer was given by Chaplain Julie Carriveau.
Legion Commander Brandon Skrzypchak spoke to the group.
The district meeting will be Saturday, April 20, at Fremont Post #391. The county meeting will be Sunday, April 21, at Marathon Post #469.
The first Fundays meeting for 2024 was held Feb. 22 at the village hall.
The minutes of the January meeting were read by secretary
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Kathy Grell. Changes were made regarding names of new members, Motion to accept the minutes was made by Brenda Wirkus and seconded by Suzie Lang. Motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was read by treasurer Edee Zuleger. There were no new expenses to report because the unit did not have a quorum last month.
A new budget has been prepared for the coming year.
Outstanding bills for sick list and Juniors were approved.
Committee Reports:
Membership - Currently 92 members have renewed for the 2024 year. Five new members have joined at this time.
Several members were asking about membership cards. If you need your card sent to you, contact Cathy Armbrust. (Call Betty Blume or Kathy Grell for a phone number if you need one).
A draft of a letter for new members was presented, notes for changes were made and returned to Betty Blume for finalization.
Juniors - Christmas cards made by the Junior Auxiliary group and by kindergarten students of Maple Grove Charter School were distributed to local veterans, Auxiliary members in nursing homes, and veterans homes at King, Chippewa Falls, and Union Grove.
Poppy princess - Melanie Rodreges will contact Juniors to determine who is interested in becoming Poppy Princess. The next Poppy Princess will be named in March and crowned in April.
Thank yous were read from The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, Wisconsin Veterans Home at King and Union Grove to the Unit and to the kindergarten students at Maple Grove for the Christmas cards.
Old business:
The unit is saving canceled stamps that will be sent to veterans groups for their use in various activities.
Americanism Essay Contest - Sixth-grade students from St Mary’s participated in the contest. Winners were Brandon Sulzer, Anya Jacobson and Meredith Blume. Suzie Lang will invite winners to the March meeting to read their essays and receive their prizes.
Donations were made to each of seven areas listed in the General Fund Donations. The donation for the National ALA Foundation Endowment Fund will be made in memory of deceased members Margaret Shidel and Ruth Paul.
Donations were made to each of 23 veterans organizations around the state for the Poppy Fund.
A request was made to purchase Cool to be Patriotic buttons to be distributed over the summer. 100 buttons will be ordered.
New business:
Discussion was held regarding ordering poppies to distribute to all students. Currently, the unit’s regular poppy order is on hold. An alternative was suggested to order coloring books about the poppy for students in first, second, and third grades. 250 copies are being ordered. The unit is also checking into being able to make a short presentation in classrooms explaining the history of the poppy and why they are distributed Memorial Day weekend.
Donations were made to Marathon City 2020 Fund Raiser for Heritage Center, Marathon Post Prom, Lions Club River Float, Fundraiser for Elias Seubert (a two year-old with a rare form of cancer), and an Auxiliary member’s son who will need a kidney transplant in the near future.
A member pointed out that the department has multiple scholarships available. Seniors who belong to the Juniors group are encouraged to check these out.
A request was made to look into placing a new order for the Cool to Be Patriotic tshirts. Members should watch for more information.
Closing prayer was given by Chaplain Julie Carriveau.
The next meeting will be held on March 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the village hall.
S tratford Family Story Times
Bring your entire family to story time. Children of all ages and parents/guardians are welcome to this 30-minute program. Enjoy learning with all of your children through stories, songs and other literature based activities. Family Story Times are on Wednesdays, from 10:30 to 11 a.m., on March 6, 13, 20 and 27.
Gardening class on March 5
Adults are invited to a gardening class on starting seeds indoors at the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch, 213201 Scholar St., Stratford, on March 5, from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
This program will cover everything attendees will need to start vegetable and flower seeds indoors. UW Extension staff will discuss things to consider when purchasing seed, containers, and growing media. Participants will learn how to apply important techniques in the sowing and growing of seedlings, and how to successfully plant the seedlings outdoors.
The event is free, but registration is required by March 4. To register, visit https:// For more information call 715-687-4420.
SMS Honor Rolls
High Honors
Sixth grade: Lucas Bornbach, Wesley Bruesewitz, Lily Cournoyer, Kaden Daul, Kyler Daul, Stella Delo, Carson Esser, Killian Fisher, Reese Gillette, Alyssa Heiden, Janika Helsten, Trinity Hoernke, Christian Kaiser, Isaiah Kaiser, Caleb Kunhart, Aaron Niehaus, Kaylee Reckner, Peter Sauter, Taylor Schonfeldt, Jordan Shinn, Owen Shook, Jackson Spindler, Drew Stroetz, Isabel Tan, Hannah Wavrunek, Megyn Wavrunek, Penelope Weiks, Theodore Wenzel, Avery White, Jenna Wiesman, Lucas Winch Seventh grade: Hudson Ballerstein, Cooper Berg, Drew Bluhm, Ameilya Cable, Nathan Cavadini, Kathryn Cordes, Addie Gawlikoski, Tyler Goldbach, Kinslee Jochimsen, Olive Kauer, Carter Kawlewski, Courtney Knetter, Sierra Kreft, Lily Lee, Eva Ostricki, Charlotte Peirce, Noah Post, Aaliyah Sanchez, Emelia Sauter, Lauren Sherden, Meg Tichy, Cooper Wiesman Eighth grade: Abisair Anzures-Cruz, Emma Berens, Joseph Cable, Timothy Cavadini, Jayden DeFoe, Sophia Delo, Addison Drexler, Declan Fisher, Austin Foster, Dante Grammatikopoulos, Henry Heeg, Theodore Hiebl, Kennedy Hoernke, Ashton Hollatz, Lillian Kaiser, Liv Knoeck, Tyler Lange, Morgan Linzmaier, Megan Marten, Madaline Ostricki, Sawyer Rasmussen, Kaeden Schill, Abigail Schmidt, Morgan Schmidt, Wynn Schoenherr, Brayden Schwantes, Jayelynn Shanks, Reese Spindler, Michael Stein, Jake Thomer, Briseida Trejo, Brooke Varsho Honors
Sixth grade: Silas Cavadini, Kiana Haupt, Avery Henry, Peyton Leonhardt, Dalana Martin, Makayla Miller, Oliver Plaszcz, Adria Redetzke, Brissley Sandoval Jarquin, Karson Schreiner, Ella Schultz, Eli Stanton, Danielle Stuttgen Seventh grade: Austin Bohman, Cassandra Davidson, Ella Gage, Adrian Heiden, Hank Hernandez, Owen Hernandez, Audrey Kaiser, Devyn Leonhardt, Amelia Lueck, Jasmyn McHugh, Kloey Paschel, Brye Shaw, Caden Stueber, Ryder Stuttgen, Anika Weber Eighth grade: Noah Bornbach, Andrew Dennee, Johnna Gawlikoski, Eliza Hauke, Callie Heiden, Bryce LaPointe, Nathan Lucio, Hilari Machorro-Patricio, Emma Mews, Alexis Pribnow, Blake Reuter, Blake Roeper, Matthew Schoenfuss, Chloe Stueber, Isaac Tan, Joselin Toribio Carmelo, Jason Weiland, Justin Weisenberger, Harrison Zirbel