Development Foundation reviews busy year at annual meeting

“The needs of the community are constantly changing and we are trying to be proactive in keeping the community moving forward,” said John Lange, vice president of the Medford Area Development Foundation.
Lange made the comments welcoming people to the MADF annual meeting held on January 9.
The MADF is a private organization that works closely with county, city and school district governments and area business leaders to promote the economic growth of the region.
Lange noted that through these partnerships, the MADF has been able to accomplish many positive things in the community.
Assistant executive director Billie Hartwig presented a review of the achievements in the past year along with the work done by tourism and the Chamber of Commerce.
“All three spokes of our wheel really work together,” Hartwig explained. She noted MADF’s role in the RCU Pavilion in the downtown, the Tombstone Pizza Bandshell and with events such as the Boots on the Ground tour of Chippewa Falls and Safety First Forum, and assistance with the school district’s recent referendum.
She also shared information from the 19 different ribbon cutting or groundbreaking ceremonies held the past year and the 41 new members who have joined the Chamber.
She noted over $4,000 was spent by ambassadors at Cash Mob events held at local businesses, and there were more than 25 local Chamber events among which was the Christmas Trees for Charity with $10,346 raised for local charities through the tree auction.
In the past year, there was $146,000 in Chamber Gift Certificates issued which go directly back to the participating businesses.
Executive Director Sue Emmerich also reported on the Taylor County Fall Hall which saw $11,437.34 being spent by the participants at the various stops.
Upcoming, Emmerich said they will soon be unveiling a new logo and featuring the name “The Chamber, Serving Taylor County and Beyond.” This is in recognition of the Chamber’s role of not just serving the city of Medford businesses but all of the county.
“A lot gets packed into every year,” Lange said, noting that it is good to review it to get an appreciation of how much gets done.
In the business portion of the meeting, members approved reelecting Dave Koester, Dave Fleegel, and Kenny Ceaglske to serve on the board of directors. Nick Lemke was also elected to serve as an ex officio member of the board. The MADF pulls from the ex officio members to fill board positions as they become vacant. “I think he will be a terrific asset to our board,” said Chip Courtney of the nominating committee.
The next annual meeting will be held on January 8, 2026.