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NOTICE Cadott Village ….


Cadott Village

Board Minutes

June 15, 2020 President Anson Albarado called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. This meeting was by teleconference. Trustees present were: Bart Chapek, Russ Falkenberg, Randy Kuehni, Terry Licht and Eric Weiland. Absent: none. A motion was made by Chapek and seconded by Falkenberg, to recess into closed session: Per State Statute 19.85 (1) (e), deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session (conducting specified business). MC.

A motion was made by Licht and seconded by Weiland, to reconvene into open session. MC.

Public now present: Len Schreiber (Cedar Corp.), and Julia Wolf (reporter).

The Finance Committee met to audit the bills at 6 p.m.

The next regular board meeting will be July 6, 2020, at 6:30 p.m.

A motion was made by Falkenberg and seconded by Kuehni, to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2020, board meeting. MC.

A motion was made by Chapek and seconded by Kuehni, to approve the bills dated June 15, 2020. Motion by roll call. MC.

A motion was made by Licht and seconded by Weiland, to approve any additional monthly bills. MC.

A motion was made by Falkenberg and seconded by Kuehni, to move forward with the solar project with Rice Lake, as discussed in the closed session. Weiland abstained from voting, because he doesn’t know enough about it. Motion by roll call. MC.

A motion was made by Chapek and seconded by Licht, to approve the 15th amendment with American Electric Power for Energy charges out to May of 2031, for $42.50/$45. Motion by roll call. MC.

A motion was made by Weiland and seconded by Licht, to open the public hearing on a Conditional Use Application for Alex Heerde, for a garage with more square footage than is allowed in the Code of Ordinances. His garage will be approximately 1,700 square feet and the required footage is 1,200 square feet. He does meet all the setbacks in the district he is in. A motion was made by Falkenberg and seconded by Licht, to approve the application and close the public hearing. MC.

A motion was made by Kuehni and seconded by Weiland, to approve a Conditional Use Permit for Alex Heerde. MC.

President Albarado stated that he will appoint Les Liptak to fill the vacant seat left by Merlin Huhn. A motion was made by Chapek and seconded by Falkenberg, to approve the appointment. MC.

Schreiber stated that the developer’s agreement is in place and so is the Offer to Purchase. The Offer to Purchase had a correction with the days, which will be made. A motion was made by Chapek and seconded by Kuehni, to approve the Offer to Purchase on the attorney’s recommendation. MC. Clerk Buetow read the annual fermented malt beverage and intoxicating liquor licenses. A motion was made by Weiland and seconded by Licht, to approve them. MC.

Clerk Buetow read the annual operator licenses. A motion was made by Chapek and seconded by Weiland, to approve them. Kuehni abstained. MC.

Clerk Buetow read the annual cigarette licenses. A motion was made by Licht and seconded by Kuehni, to approve them. MC.

Chapek stated that the Board of Health did their ride around. The list of violators was given to the clerk. The Wagon Wheel Mobile Home Park has a lot of violators again. In that court and also around the whole village, people are reminded to put up house numbers, so emergency personnel can find them in an emergency.

A Building and Lands Committee meeting was set up for June 17, 2020, at 5 p.m., to discuss the Brooklawn Cemetery Association having a hard time getting members to join.

Falkenberg stated that there are multiple complaints against the Wagon Wheel Mobile Home Park. It will be put on the next agenda.

Tichy reported that Citizens Connect was here to look at the new antenna. Everyone involved will get together to meet to finalize the job.

Tichy reported that they have had issues with the locator. Two companies will let him try their equipment out. It will be approximately $4,000.

Schreiber reported on the monitoring wells report that the clerk received. DJ’s Mart has monitoring wells that they will close.

If in the future there are any problems with soil contamination, then DJ’s will be responsible for it. It is OK to close the monitoring wells. A motion was made by Chapek and seconded by Falkenberg, to adjourn the meeting. MC.

Sandra Buetow, clerk 90917 • wnaxlp