NOTICE City of Cornell ….
NOTICE City of Cornell
Spring Clean-up Week April 13-24, 2020 Yard Waste Only The Cornell City Works Department will pick up yard waste, the weeks of April 13-24, 2020. Brush and small diameter tree limbs should be piled for pick up. Leaves and grass trimmings should be placed in bags or containers, near a city street or alley. Do not rake leaves into the street gutters.
Residents may haul leaves and yard waste to the waste piles behind the city shop. Leaves and yard waste should be placed on the compost pile. Brush may be placed on the brush pile. Do not leave the bags and boxes used for hauling yard waste.
City works will not pick up any rubbish, garbage or lumber. Each household is asked to cooperate by limiting yard waste to no more than a pickup load. Dave DeJongh, city administrator 50488_3 • wnaxlp
NOTICE Town of Arthur Town Board Meeting Notice is hereby given, that Tuesday, April 14, 2020, at 7 p.m., the regular town board meeting will be held remotely because of COVID-19. Minutes will be made available to the public on town posting boards following the meeting date.
1. Call to order; 2. Roll call; 3. Public comment, set next board meeting date; 4. Minutes, treasurer’s report, consent agenda; 5. Road report; 6. Business items, discussion and possible action: a. Recycle old laptop; b. Election update; c. Annual meeting preparation; d. Agenda items for next meeting; e. Correspondence and mail; f. Pay bills as presented; 7. Adjournment The public may join via phone or video. Details will be available on our website or email chairperson@ townofarthur. com for phone number/ video link. Mary Sikora, clerk 83397_4 • wnaxlp NOTICE Cadott Village Board Minutes March 23, 2020 The Finance Committee did not meet prior to the regular meeting. They reviewed the printed version of the bills that they received in their packets.
The regular meeting of the Cadott Village Board was held by teleconference. President Albarado called the meeting to order. Trustees present were: Russ Falkenberg, Merlin Huhn, Randy Kuehni, Terry Licht and Les Liptak. Absent: Bart Chapek. Public on the teleconference included Julia Wolf (reporter for the Courier Sentinel) and Tony Roscoe (Whispering Pines Golf). The next regular board meeting will be April 6, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., and could be by teleconference again because of the coronavirus.
A motion was made by Licht and seconded by Huhn, to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2020, board meeting. MC.
A motion was made by Kuehni and seconded by Liptak, to approve the bills dated March 23, 2020, on the Finance Committee’s recommendation. Falken- berg had a question regarding the union dues. Clerk Buetow stated that the village pays the bill but it is taken out of the employees paychecks. MC.
A motion was made by Liptak and seconded by Huhn, to approve any additional monthly bills. MC.
In regard to the COVID- 19, Chief Eslinger said they are sanitizing the offi ce every day and some items more than that. They do have contact with people, but try to limit it as much as they can. Tichy stated that items are sanitized in the shop and in the vehicles. He also requires the workers to be apart at break times and lunch times. They can go home at lunchtime if they want to. Clerk Buetow stated that the office is closed to electric and water bills traffic. They can be paid at Citizens State Bank drive-up. Buetow stated she confirmed with bank officials to see if that would be OK. They already collect e/w bills each month, but we had to adjust a couple of rules regarding payments. The office is sanitized regularly as well. In regard to the upcoming election, people are encouraged to use absentee (or early) voting. Arrangements are made for anyone who doesn’t have computer access or doesn’t feel comfortable using the computer.
Albarado stated that the website doesn’t mention that you can still mail the bills in, too. Clerk Buetow will change that.
A motion was made by Liptak and seconded by Kuehni, to approve a liquor/fermented malt beverage license to Luke Rykal, Todd Rykal and Tony Roscoe at Whispering Pines Golf Course. MC.
A motion was made by Licht and seconded by Huhn, to approve operator licenses to Kayla Poppe, Alison Morrow and Erik Morrow for Whispering Pines Golf Course. MC.
A motion was made by Liptak and seconded by Licht, to approve a picnic license to the Cadott Red Sox Baseball Team for April 25, 2020, through July 31, 2020. MC.
A motion was made by Huhn and seconded by Kuehni, to approve operator licenses to Rick Goettl and Quentin Goettl for the Cadott Red Sox Baseball Team. MC.
A motion was made by Kuehni and seconded by Huhn, to approve the landfill hours and operation to every Saturday in April, and every Saturday in October, and the first and third Saturdays in between. The operator will get $100 more for the season (total $1,100). The village crew will open the site for the first two weeks in November. MC.
A motion was made by Kuehni and seconded by Falkenberg, to approve the seasonal part-time general laborer again this year at the same rate of pay. MC.
A motion was made by Kuehni and seconded by Licht, to approve the costs required to purchase signs and equipment for flaggers out on the highway. MC. Tichy reported that the D.O.T. didn’t think there was a problem with putting a sign up on village property at the corner of Highway 27 and Mills St., but they were going to come so he could show them exactly where it would be placed, but they didn’t show up. Also the Lions Club will give him a list on exactly what repairs they would like to do to the dam house on the river. Tichy contacted the DNR and they didn’t have a problem with it, as long as they don’t change the structure at all.
A motion was made by Licht and seconded by Kuehni, to adjourn the teleconference meeting. MC.
Sandra Buetow, clerk 87711 • wnaxlp