Democratic politics – conservatives and liberals
First of all, I would like to respond to Leon Stahel’s critique of a column I wrote. Thank you for your comments. I will respond to only one of Mr. Stahel’s criticisms, before going on to other matters. Mr. Stahel stated that the U.S. is not a democracy, but a constitutional republic. That is the form of democratic government we have chosen for our country. What all forms of democratic governments have in common is that their voting citizenry chooses their representatives through free and fair elections. The constitution is the basic guiding document outlining the law of the land. It was drawn up and agreed to by the various states through a democratic process, and is amendable only through rigorous democratic procedures. Our constitutional republic is based on a democratic system of checks and balances between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Being a republic means that citizens elect government representatives, in democratic elections, to represent their interests in government. Democracy is the underlying principle that the will of the citizens is expressed by their vote, legal actions in advising, protesting, and running for office.
My parents were kids of the depression. They had to work hard, and risk a lot, to build successful lives. They respected hard work, honesty in business, and respect for others. In business, they taught me that fair and equal treatment of customers, selling good quality goods, and providing good customer service were the keys to long term business success. Their old time, capitalist values are not as common today. The impersonal, large corporations and box stores bear little resemblance to the small town independently owned businesses of my youth. One would not get by stiffing one’s contractors, repeatedly declaring bankruptcy, or playing legal games with smaller competitors to gain advantage and stay in business in a small town.
My parents were not loud and boastful, but they played a meaningful role in their community. If they disagreed with someone, they did not call them names but gave reasoned arguments of their positions. Dad was big and muscular, and had been a state champion track athlete, but the idea that he should try to intimidate others through bullying activity was not in his nature. To be a real man, one had to have confidence in one’s ideas and consistency in applying one’s values. To go on a rant calling other people denigratory names was juvenile. When one becomes mature, one can use one’s well thought out arguments to win one’s point. One does not have to see the other as an enemy to be destroyed.
Dad was an Eisenhower Republican, while my mother was a Stevenson Democrat. We had rich political discussions around the kitchen table. Later, as the GOP drifted to extremism, dad often found more conservative positions represented by Democrats and swung somewhat in that direction. The old solid conservative ideas have been seduced and changed to support the ultra-rich and large businesses rather than the middle class and small independent business owners. Conservatives are searching for a home. Their traditional party has abandoned them for extremism. I am liberal on many issues, but conservative on others. We need a conservative party in this country that honors the history, traditions, and institutions of our country.
Liberals and conservatives are involved in discussions on how to make government function better. What is “the government?” It is the state department that carries on relationships with the other countries of the earth we share. It is the military organization that protects us. It is public education. It is the IRS that supervises our taxation policies. It is the policing duties carried out by federal, state, and local authorities. It is the departments that protect us from harmful environmental damage caused by reckless resource exploitation or industry. It is the regulation of business to protect employees in the workplace. It is the regulation of the medical industry so that good quality medical care is delivered to the citizens that need it. It is medical insurance, especially for seniors through Medicare and for the poor through Medicaid. It is the judiciary that interprets laws according to the Constitution. It is the people who volunteer to run our free and fair elections. And, it is our friends and neighbors who carry out the duties of the various functions of government. In other words, a democratic government is us, cooperating together to manage a free, fair, and just society.
Rick Lohr, formerly of Marathon City, is a retired history teacher and former owner and manager of Pine Valley Golf Course. He has been retired for over 20 years but has given about 650 talks to schools, service groups and senior centers related to the 45 counties he has traveled to.