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– Letters to the Editor –

– Letters to the Editor –

Letter to the Editor:

July 3 Lasting Memories During the July 3 parade in Cornell, it was a great moment to see the American flag proudly come down Main Street. It was an additional thrill to hear the thundering applause from the citizens as the flag proceeded along the route.

But to take a moment and seriously appreciate what just occurred.

It was a glorious tribute to what this nation was founded upon and what it stands for. It was a glorious tribute to the people of Cornell!

The Cornell Cemetery has many noble and honorable veterans who served in the military, defending that flag and its hallowed principles!

***Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness*** The citizens of Cornell, honored America – and it also gave respect to all those brave and courageous, men and women of our families who sacrificed, and some who even died for everything that flag stands for.

May GOD look down from Heaven, and bless and protect everyone who came there.

I spoke briefly to a woman along the parade route about the beautiful applause. Her dear comment to me, was that she could not applaud, because her hand was over her heart.

For those of us who truly understand patriotism...isn’t that just a grand lady?! Thank you, Cornell!

Most Respectfully, Raymond A. Peterson Jr., Chippewa Falls Letter to the Editor:

There is so much whining going on about defunding police, etc. I just want to make the comment that Cornell is fortunate in its choice of police officers.

Those I’ve met, appear to be really nice people, with the best interests of Cornell, and its people, at heart.

For those who believe in privatizing the police, you need to remember who had one of the world’s private police forces. It belonged to Adolph Hitler.

Be careful what we wish for.

Sincerely, Bonnie Selmer, Cornell