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Lions don’t let lack of snow and ice curtail winter’s fun

Lions don’t let lack of snow and ice curtail winter’s fun Lions don’t let lack of snow and ice curtail winter’s fun

Doreen Mrotek (left) was presented with a 25-year longevity membership pin by Cadott Lions Club president Terry Licht, at their February meeting. Mrotek has served the club in many capacities and is always a staple at fundraisers. Submitted Photo

For the Cadott Lions Club, January was a busy planning month. The biggest was planning the ice fishing contest; because of the uncooperative weather, should they have it and, if so, where? Halfway Hall was decided as the best place, but that left what type of activities to have for those who attended.

Next, came the annual Christmas party, held at the Goetz Town Hall, with happy hour and a meal. Everyone was encouraged to bring a lot of dollars for the highlight of the night, a Chinese auction.

“There was a lot of bidding against each other and the big winner was the mystery prize that went for over $100,” said Lion Carolyn Wanish. “We raised over $500, that went for gift cards to be donated to the homeless veterans at Kline Hall.”

Senior BINGO was also held at the Goetz Town Hall, then, February started out with the club’s first plastic party for the year.

“There was a mountain of plastic to be sorted and bagged, but as the saying goes, many hands make quick work,” said Wanish. “It was such a beautiful day, we sat outside and enjoyed each other’s company, and a delicious potluck. You know, this is a ‘we’ll work for food program.’” Then came the planned indoor ice fishing contest, with a 50-50 drawing, raffle baskets, a casting game and fishing for some big magnetic fish, worth a lot of prize money. There were five categories – bass, northern, crappies, bluegill and perch.

The Boy Scouts also sold chili at the event and had a bake sale.

At the club’s February meeting, longevity pins were handed out to five-year member Linda Eslinger; 15year members Brian Dulmes, Chris Geissler and Brian Geissler; 20-year member Doreen Mrotek; and 25-year member Robert Starck Jr.