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Meals in a Backpack to help families across Taylor County

Meals in a Backpack to help families across Taylor County Meals in a Backpack to help families across Taylor County

Taylor County school children and their families will start off the school year with full bellies thanks to generous donations from Taylor County businesses and community members.

Over 1,200 children in Taylor County schools qualify for free or reduced-price meals. For many of these children, school meals may be the only meals they eat. That’s why the Meals in a Backpack program was formed. Through the generosity of the community, kids and families in need will have access to food when away from school.

SOAR students pack the backpacks with food – offering them an amazing learning experience about service to their community. The SOAR program is for students with special needs between the ages of 18-21. This unique opportunity helps to maximize the community’s resources.

“The Meals in a Backpack program has been supporting students and families in Taylor County for many years,” says Joseph Greget, Director of Student Services and Special Education for Medford Public Schools. “Thank you to the donors who not only help feed the community, but also help encourage our SOAR students with a terrific opportunity to give back to the community.”

On behalf of the children and families that benefit from Meals in a Backpack, thank you to our campaign donors, and the people that support them, including Larry Brandl, AbbyBank, Taylor Credit Union, Klinner Insurance, Circle of Faith, Enerquip, Taylor County Supportive Housing, Taylor County Commission on Aging, Prevail Bank, Black River Transport, Western Taylor County Public Library, Jean M. Thomsen Memorial Library, Weather Shield Windows & Doors, Thrivent Financial, and United Way of Taylor County.

If you’d like to make a one-time or recurring monetary donation to the ongoing efforts of this program or other programs the United Way of Taylor County supports, please visit and click DONATE.