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Husser joins ranks of Eagle Scouts

Husser joins ranks of Eagle Scouts Husser joins ranks of Eagle Scouts

In a ceremony held Saturday, Aug. 8, Nick Husser became the latest Boy Scout Troop No. 536 member to receive the rank of Eagle Scout.

The Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Boy Scouts and represents years of work and commitment as the scout advances and learns new skills and takes on leadership responsibility. Only about 4% of scouts earn the rank, with many of these scouts going on to leadership roles in business, industry, government and the military, and the rank’s recipients include at least 40 astronauts, presidents, supreme court justices and business founders.

The rank of Eagle Scout may be earned by a Scout who has been a Life Scout for at least six months, has earned a minimum of 21 merit badges, has demonstrated Scout Spirit, and has demonstrated leadership within their troop, crew or ship.

Additionally the scout must plan, develop, and lead an Eagle Scout project that demonstrates both leadership and a commitment to duty. Husser’s project included constructing benches and swings for the Taylor County parks and campgrounds. Once built, the items were placed by the Taylor County buildings and grounds crew last summer.

Following the project and the submission of all the requirements, Husser then had to complete an Eagle Scout board of review at the council level which reviewed his project and accomplishments before determining he was worthy to receive the Eagle Scout Rank.

Other Scouts joined Husser and his family in the ceremony recognizing his advancement held at in the outdoor shelter at the Centennial Community Center in Stetsonville.

Christopher Husser places the symbolic Eagle Scout neckerchief on his son Nick during the ceremony.

(Above) Nick Husser presents his mother with a pin recognizing her efforts in guiding him to the Eagle Scout rank. (Below) Local Order of the Arrow Scouts take part in the Eagle Scout ceremony representing roles of each of the four winds questioning and offering advice to Husser.

(Above) The Eagle Scout award medal, parent’s pins and patches were on display along with the many awards and badges earned by Nick Husser during his years in scouting. He is continuing as an adult volunteer with the organization. (Below) Nick Husser presents an advisor pin to Justin Zirngible for his help in guiding Husser toward becoming an Eagle Scout.