Forward Bank celebrates Power of Community week
Banks devote time, effort, and resources daily in support of their communities. During the week of April 19-25, 2020, banks from across the Badger State participated in the Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) Power of Community campaign to highlight the role banks play in the communities they serve.
This year Forward Bank used Power of Community Week as an opportunity to deliver baskets full of healthy snacks to those working in healthcare. Forward gave thanks for their help “Moving our communities Forward to better health.” Forward also hosted a Stronger Together Photo Challenge on Facebook to raise funds for the United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund. Participants were presented three challenges per day and they had to upload one image each day completing one of the tasks. Forward was going to donate $5 for each picture submitted but has now doubled the amount to $10 per picture. With 85 images uploaded, Forward Bank will be donating $850 to the United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund.
“During this time, we have seen where communities need our help more than ever. This is a great opportunity to reach out, give appreciation and boost spirits,” said Heidi Reinhardt, assistant office manager at Forward Bank in Medford. “It’s exciting to be coordinating our usual service efforts with other Wisconsin banks during the Power of Community week to really showcase how banks help their communities.”
Launched by the Wisconsin Bankers Association, the Power of Community campaign is a way that banks can celebrate the communities they serve, whether it’s volunteering at a local nonprofi t, fundraising for a charitable organization, using a bank office to collect items to be shared with a local group, or participating in National Teach Children to Save Day.