Gov. Tony Evers issued a statewide “Safer at Home” order which prohibits public gatherings and closed many businesses.
As an alternative to in-person services, several area churches are offering online and streaming versions of their religious services. The following is a listing of area ONLINE SERVICES offered for Holy Week and Easter: Holy Assumption Orthodox Church
Orthodox Pascha (Easter) will be on April 19.
If the “Safer at Home Order” has not been lifted by Pascha, live stream and archived services are available at the following locations: St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral website: www. and youtube channel: https://www. Holy Transfiguration Monastery website: http://www. and youtube channel: live St. Nicholas Orthodox Church website: www.stnickoca.
org and youtube channel: channel/UCWoy3weg1EPucB_ev51H0-g The schedules will be updated on their websites weekly.
Community United Church of Christ
Community United Church of Christ, “The Red Brick Church” 510 E. Broadway, Medford, will be posting Lenten Wednesday and Sunday services on their website: Maundy Thursday, April 9; Good Friday, April 10; and Easter Sunday Services, April 12, will be available in an audio file at There will be an Easter Sunday Worship Service, April 12, at 10 a.m. on “Facebook live” under “Community United Church of Christ, Medford, Wisconsin” If anyone would like to receive paper copies of any of the worship services: scripture, message and prayer, call Pastor Mary Jo Laabs at 715-351-0450 or send an email request to:
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Sun., April 5 – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 8:30 a.m. Live Stream Palm Sunday Mass on Facebook 10:30 a.m. Palm Sunday Mass on the radio (WIGM K99) Thurs., April 9 – Holy Thursday 3:00 p.m. – Adoration and Confession until 4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. - Holy Thursday Mass on Facebook Fri., April 10 – Good Friday 1:30 p.m. Live Stream Good Friday Service on Facebook Sat., April 11 – Holy Saturday The church doors will not be open today.
8:00 p.m. Live Stream Easter Vigil Mass on Facebook Sun., April 12 – Easter Sunday 8:30 a.m. Live Stream Easter Mass on Facebook 10:30 a.m. Easter Mass on the radio (WIGM K99) This link will take you to the Holy Rosary Catholic Parish Facebook page
River of Hope Church
Sunday services for River of Hope Church can be streamed online at UCPYIfjSyOMa--XnuR9Q2zkA/?fbclid=IwAR3_ LuTxf8VdkypZK7oai5GrE6789DLh7aUulzP5gWFbYO_ dYLQamsgsJgk or by visiting the church’s Facebook page and following the link from there.
Sunday service live streamed at 12:30 p.m.
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United Methodist Church
Medford and Rib Lake
The services for the Rib Lake and Medford United Methodist Churches are aired on: Q
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church ELCA
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is streaming services through their Facebook page at https://www.facebook. com/StPaulsMedford/.
First Baptist Church
Good Friday service will be streamed live on Friday, April 10 beginning at 1 p.m.
Easter services will be streamed live on Sunday, April 12 beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Visit the First Baptist Church website at fbcmedford.
com to access the streamed services.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Medford and Chelsea
Online worship opportunities are available online at in addition copies of audio file CDs are also available for checkout at the church. Contact the church office 715-748-4181, if you plan to stop for a copy.
Immanuel Lutheran Church (WELS)
Immanuel Lutheran Church offers streaming opportunities of their Sunday services through YouTube. Enter Immanuel Lutheran Church Medford Wi in the search bar and subscribe.
New Life Apostolic Church
New Life Apostolic Church offers streaming of midweek and Sunday services through their Facebook page at
Woodland Community Church
Woodland Community Church will stream Good Friday services at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10 through their Facebook page Easter services will be streamed beginning at 11 a.m.