Gilman Police Department

Dispatch log
Taylor County Law Enforcement
January 20 — Fraud report, 320 E. Main St. at 1:41 p.m.; citizen assist, 380 E. Main St. at 1:52 p.m.
January 23 — Traffic complaint, Rued Road in the town of Pershing at 7:52 a.m.
January 20 — Court violation, 842 S. Whelen Ave. at 10:01 a.m.; vehicle inspections, 316 S. Main St. at 12:50 p.m. and 2:47 p.m.
January 21 — Lockout, 575 S. Whelen Ave. at 3:32 p.m.
January 22 — Accident, North Second Street and East Broadway Avenue at 10:59 a.m.; non-sufficient funds, 160 Medford Plaza at 11:10 a.m.; truancies, Medford High School at 1:33 p.m.
January 23 — Accident, North Eighth and East Allman streets at 4:28 a.m.; disorderly conduct, Medford High School at 1:01 p.m.; lockout, 105 S. Wisconsin Ave, at 7:30 p.m.
January 24 — Traffic complaint, South Eighth Street and CTH O at 12:21 a.m.; fraud report, city of Medford at 11:46 a.m.; suspicious activity, 352 N. Eighth St. at 12:17 p.m.; probation violation, Taylor County Courthouse at 12:38 p.m.; non-sufficient funds, 348 S. Eighth St. at 12:53 p.m. and 12:58 p.m.; lockout, 1010 N. Eighth St. at 1:26 p.m.; citizen assist, 831 N. Second St. at 2:02 p.m; utility problems, 236 S. Main St. at 2:16 p.m. and 753 E. Perkins St. at 2:18 p.m.; information, North Park Avenue at 2:33 p.m.; traffic complaint, East Clark and South Seventh streets at 3:23 p.m.; parking problem, 102 S. Park Ave. at 3:25 p.m.
January 25 — Disorderly conduct, 217 S. Park Ave. at 2:34 a.m.; commercial alarm, 860 N. Eighth St. at 8:45 a.m.; suspicious activity, 660 E. Clark St. at 11:15 p.m.
January 26 — Accident, 287 E. Allman St. at 2:05 a.m.; suicidal subject, Aspirus Medford Hospital at 11:10 a.m.; traffic complaint, East Broadway Avenue and North Third Street at 2:36 p.m.; accident, East Broadway Avenue and North Third Street at 2:59 p.m.; suspicious activity, 160 Medford Plaza at 7:50 p.m.
January 27 — Extra patrol, 226 N. Third St. at 7:51 a.m.
January 21 — Welfare check, 640 Mill Ln. at 2:23 p.m.
January 23 — Domestic disturbance, 1105 Landall Ave. at 9:12 a.m.; trespass, 1105 Landall Ave. at 12:30 p.m.
January 20 — Traffic complaint, Hwy 13 and Apple Avenue in the town of Little Black at 10:27 a.m.; 9-1-1 hang up, W7303 Grassy Knoll Trail in the town of Chelsea at 11:10 a.m.; traffic complaint, CTH A and E in the town of Little Black at 1:25 p.m.; welfare check at 5:33 p.m.; domestic disturbance, N6632 Settlement Dr. in the town of Chelsea at 7:12 p.m.; suspicious activity, N7507 CTH H in the town of McKinley at 11:29 p.m.; welfare check, N2315 Castle Dr. in the town of Little Black at 11:53 p.m.
January 21 — Information, W5424 Apple Ave. in the town of Little Black at 9:25 a.m.; accident, Hwy 13 and Mulberry Lane in the town of Medford at 9:28 a.m.; search warrant, 5115 190th St., Chippewa County at 4:41 p.m.
January 22 — Accident, Hwy 73 and CTH F in the town of Taft at 5:51 a.m.; transport, Marathon County at 7:30 a.m.; accident, Oriole Drive and County Line Road in the town of Deer Creek at 11:30 a.m.; suspicious activity, W13942 CTH F in the town of Roosevelt at 5:13 p.m.; accident, Hwy 64 and CTH E in the town of Medford at 8:10 p.m.; accident, CTH M and Castle Road in the town of Medford at 8:27 p.m.; warrant arrest, W4030 W. Rib Rd. in the town of Rib Lake at 10:57 p.m.
January 23 — Traffic complaint, Rued Road in the town of Pershing at 7:52 a.m.; domestic disturbance, 1105 Landall Ave. in the village of Rib Lake at 9:12 a.m.; transport, Chippewa County at 11:34 a.m.; sexual assault, town of Medford at 3:07 p.m.; accident, Hwy 13 and Mulberry Lane in the town of Medford at 5:34 p.m.; accident, Hwy 13 and CTH M in the town of Chelsea at 5:43 p.m.; accident, Hwy 13 in the town of Westboro at 6:01 p.m.; accident, Hwy 13 and Alfalfa Avenue in the town of Chelsea at 6:04 p.m.
January 24 — Harassment complaint, Taylor County Courthouse at 1:52 p.m.; transport, Eau Claire Secure Detention to Taylor County Sheriff’s Department at 1:56 p.m.; traffic complaint, South Hwy 13 in the village of Stetsonville at 4:31 p.m.; injured animal, W10160 Sawyer Ave. in the town of Grover at 6:52 p.m.
January 25 — Disorderly conduct, 217 S. Park Ave. in the city of Medford at 2:34 a.m.; accident, Hwy 13 and Apple Avenue in the town of Little Black at 6:20 a.m.; elder abuse report at 8:10 a.m.; child abuse report at 7:49 p.m.
January 26 — Accident, N6357 Hwy 13 in the town of Chelsea at 2:52 a.m.; accident, CTH DD and A in the town of Maplehurst at 5:34 a.m.; traffic complaint, Hwy 13 and CTH M in the town of Chelsea at 9:34 a.m.; suspicious activity, N7507 CTH H in the town of McKinley at 11:37 a.m.; animal bite, 630 Hwy 102 in the village of Rib Lake at 11:57 a.m.; welfare check at 12:29 p.m.; suicidal subject at 1:11 p.m.; domestic disturbance, W16123 Polley Ln. in the town of Aurora at 10:14 p.m.
January 27 — Animal noise, N1929 Oak Dr. in the town of Holway at 12:30 a.m.; injured animal, Zimmerman Road in the town of Westboro at 4:04 a.m.