Seeing it through

Mayor Mike Wellner pledges to complete term if reelected in April
Mayor Mike Wellner has said if he is elected he will serve his full term.
Addressing rumors that he planned to step down and leave the office to a hand-picked successor, Wellner issued the following statement during Tuesday’s city council meeting: “On November 25, 2019, I filed my Declaration of Candidacy for the position of City of Medford Mayor. I have been fortunate to serve as the Mayor since 2004 and hope to continue to do so in the future.
I have become aware of rumors that are circulating that I plan to run for Mayor, and once elected resign, and appoint my successor. This is untrue. If elected as your Mayor, I will serve the entire two-year term. I have no plans to resign.
In addition, and by Wisconsin Statues §17.23(l)(a), vacancies in the Office of the Mayor in a fourth class City (which Medford is) are filled by appointment by the Common Council for the remainder of the term unless the Council orders a Special Election in which case the person appointed by Council serves until the successor is elected. Contrary to the rumors, the current Mayor does not have any input into the next Mayor.
I am grateful for the support of the citizens of Medford and look forward to continuing to serve this community into the future.”
Other city races
Voters in the city’s second district will have to pick a new alderman.
Current district two alderman Peggy Kraschnewski filed a notification of noncandidacy and will not be seeking reelection to the position she has held since 1992.
The city’s second district covers the southeast corner of the city.