– Courier-Sentinel Lookback –
10 Years Ago – 2009
After 31 years on the job, Chuck Smith retires as the Cornell City Works superintendent. The 1962 Cornell High School graduate plans to enjoy his retirement with wife, Sally.
20 Years Ago –1999
Under the direction of Nancy Knitter, the Cadott Community Singers are looking for vocal talents to ring in the holiday season. Those who wish to sing with the group, but do not want to perform theatre, are encouraged to join.
30 Years Ago – 1989
The Cornell Jaycees host a haunted house at the old Mill Union building on South Seventh Street. Jaycees president Rusty Salmon says they hope the spooky happening will become an annual tradition.
40 Years Ago – 1979 Tracy Christensen wins the Century III Leaders Scholarship Contest at Cadott High School, qualifying the 17-year-old senior to compete against other students in the state, for two, $1,500 scholarships and two, $500 scholarships. Christensen will also have a shot at a $10,000 national scholarship.
50 Years Ago – 1969
Pvt. Doug Tallman, Cornell, sets a new post rifle range record, where the reservist is stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, hitting 83 out of 84 targets. It’s likely the 21 year old drew on his avid hunting pastime, for the stellar shooting.
60 Years Ago – 1959
Reports of marauding dogs have come in to local authorities and owners are warned, that unless they take steps to keep the canines confined, the dogs will be impounded. Constable Archie Lange also cautions that dogs need to wear their license tags.
100 Years Ago – 1919
Yet another lodging business is sold in Cornell, as M. F. Gilman disposes of Hotel Gilman. The new owners are Olaf Nelson and John Johnson, of Stanley. Nelson will act as the establishment’s manager, while it’s unknown what Gilman’s plans are.