From past files of The Star News
February 18, 2010
A compromise to allow the data from a different farm to be used as part of the nutrient management plan for a proposed 4,000 cow concentrated animal feeding operation in the Town of Little Black will allow the review of the plan to move forward.
Members of the Taylor County Land Conservation Committee approved the compromise after numerous amendments and more than two hours of discussion Friday morning in front of an audience of more than 30 people including representatives of the dairy and residents of the surrounding community. Friday’s compromise vote brings to a close three months of discussion on if the nutrient management plan for the proposed North Breeze Dairy can use the actual test numbers taken from Lake Breeze Dairy or if it must follow the so-called book numbers established as averages through the University of Wisconsin.
February 22, 1995
Medford Area Senior High’s Red Raider Indian logo will return to the halls of the school after a vote by the Medford Area School Board to fully reinstate the logo. The board initially tied 4-4 (South- worth, Hoffman, Larson and Wirz voting yes; Hallgren, Lange, Brost and Knight voting no; Mayer absent for medical reasons).
After the tie vote, Jeff Lange changed his vote to support reinstating the logo, saying, “I would like to see this settled tonight. I will change my vote to ‘yes,’ to settle this once and for all. I don’t agree with it — but.”
Feb. 19, 1970
Mrs. Eldon Shannon, Medford, sustained chest injuries in a one-car mishap occurring at 1:35 a.m. Sunday 6 miles east of Medford on highway 64. A passenger in the Shannon auto escaped uninjured.
According to the report, Mrs. Shannon lost control when the auto hit the right shoulder, skidded sideway into a snowbank where it rolled onto its top. Damage to the left side, roof and rear window of the Shannon auto was set at $500.
February 15, 1945
Mrs. Leannah Spence, Taylor county nurse, on recommendation of the county health committee composed of Wm. Tisch, chairman, Carl Eckert, Elmer Hecker, Walter Weihrouch, and Tony Sotak, has arranged for immunization centers for the entire county for 1945.
These centers will be held in the school building of each town. The first immunization will be given at the Medford center in the city hall Monday, Feb. 26, at 2:00 p.m.
The reason for having so many centers, is that they are this year giving everyone an opportunity to have whooping cough and diphtheria preventives that have to be given in three injections, each two weeks apart.
February 18, 1920
Hannibal goes over the top in the matter of dynamite purchase. A letter from the Hannibal Mercantile Co. states that already orders for a carload of dynamite have been placed. Dealers in dynamite are getting busy and are soliciting orders for dynamite for the coming season. More dynamite than ever before will be used in Taylor County this year and the bulk of it will go into the western part of the county. More dynamite will mean more acres cleared and by purchasing the explosive on the carload basis the price is cut by about a third.
February 16, 1895
The desire to be raised above the crowd is so general among mankind, that, in one form or another, it is manifested everywhere, and even in the most humble walks of life instances of the display of this sort of ambition are often seen, sometimes pitiful, sometimes laughable, always interesting from the fact that they display an impulse common to every walk of life. The waiter who desires to be known as the best order waiter in town is actuated by exactly the same feelings of ambition that has moved more than one conqueror to “wade through slaughter to a throne, and shut the gates of mercy on mankind.”