I know of many vets, young and old, who have had difficulty getting claims through with the VA. The common denominator is incorrectly filed claims or a lack of information/evidence. The internet today is a resource that is a significant force multiplier in terms of gathering proof and evidence, that may not have been available when your claim was filed. Also, there have been many changes at the VA over the years. Most notably this year, the Blue Water Navy bill that passed that now includes Navy veterans who served off shore of Vietnam are now included in the same presumptive conditions as in-country vets. Researching, compiling and filing claims is what we do here at the CVSO and we do it on a daily basis. If you have ever filed a claim with the VA that was denied, or you need to file a new claim, come see us. If you are the spouse of a veteran who passed from a possible service connected condition, come see us. National Guard and Reserves who were injured on duty? Come see us. We obviously can’t guarantee success, but I will guarantee you will get an effective review of your case with personal attention by a professional team of veterans service representatives at no cost to you except your time. Consider that your claim was filed once, and we file on average more than 50 every year with about a 90% success rate. We have successfully filed or reopened claims that were decades old, even as far back as World War II vets within the last five years. Even one veteran who had passed away almost 20 years ago, we researched and fought successfully for the widow’s benefits, and won. We also assist veterans and surviving dependents with claims for death and burial benefits; education, employment and housing benefits; VA healthcare and much more. Sometimes, we have to tell you, there just isn’t anything that can be done. But we will explain why, and at least you will know. If you suffer today from a service-connected injury or illness, come see us. At worst, we’ll have a great session of comparing military stories (old Army 1SG here) and we will do our best to determine if you are eligible for benefits you may not be aware of. Bottom line, in case it didn’t get through, come see us! We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. in the Taylor County Courthouse in Medford, our phone number is 715-748-1488. Drop-ins are welcome, but calling ahead for an appointment will ensure I am here and able to see you in a timely manner. Most initial appointments take about an hour.
— Jeffrey J. Hein, MSG, USA, Retired, Taylor County Veteran Service Officer