Cornell City Council - Brunet Estates platted for condominium-style lots

Cornell mayor Mark Larson listens as discussion occurs over matters taking place at the recent council meeting, Jan. 2, with decisions made on a few items on the agenda. Larson shared that not too much was happening coming off the holiday, which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. Photo by Ginna Young
By Ginna Young
Now that construction is taking place at Brunet Estates in Cornell, the owner of those lots asked for a plat-related condominium agreement, at the Cornell City Council meeting Jan. 2. The agreement is really no different than when the property owner was ready to build twin homes, with each half belonging to each owner, with a small change.
“The space around it would be shared,” said city administrator Dave DeJongh.
Members did not have a problem with the agreement and approved it. They also agreed to increase the wage scale for full-time police officers, to be more competitive with those around them.
As part of that, wages were raised from $29/hour to $34/hour, in the hopes of replacing and retaining a fulltime officer to replace Grant Kjellberg, who is no longer with the department.
“It sounds like the new chief (John Kosterman)…has accepted an application already since he’s been here,” said DeJongh.
The council also made changes to the full-time employee handbook, modifying the vacation schedule. The changes stipulate that a full-time employee will receive 80 hours vacation time, after they’ve been with the city for two years; 120 hours, for five years; 160 hours, for 10 years; 200 hours, for 15 years; and 240 hours, for 25 years.