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Tase-A-Teacher fundraiser raises funds for VFW Building Fund

Tase-A-Teacher fundraiser raises funds for VFW Building Fund
At the Winter Carnival assembly, the Student Council exec board members presented the check to Jeff Hein. The Picture includes (l. to r.) Samson Whetstone, Student Council Vice President; Naomi Fleegel, Student Council Treasurer; Afton Werner, Student Council Secretary; Ella Daniels, Student Council President; and Jeff Hein, VFW Representative. SUBMITTED
Tase-A-Teacher fundraiser raises funds for VFW Building Fund
At the Winter Carnival assembly, the Student Council exec board members presented the check to Jeff Hein. The Picture includes (l. to r.) Samson Whetstone, Student Council Vice President; Naomi Fleegel, Student Council Treasurer; Afton Werner, Student Council Secretary; Ella Daniels, Student Council President; and Jeff Hein, VFW Representative. SUBMITTED

Throughout the Winter Carnival Week (Jan. 29 - Feb. 2), MASH Student Council asked students to donate money to Tase-ATeacher. The fundraiser idea was brought to council by Officer Berger, the school liaison, after he had discussed with some willing staff volunteers, Principal Lybert, Police Chief Chad Liske, and District Administrator Pat Sullivan. The VFW Building Fund was chosen as the fundraising recipient due to the close ties between the military and the police and all they do for our community.

Student Council placed the staff volunteer faces on jars. The staff volunteer whose jar raised the most money would be tased at the pep assembly on Friday if the total amount raised across all jars was at least $500. Officer Berger provided education and training to the staff volunteers. By Friday morning, the student body had only raised $136.48.

Student Council held a Miracle Minute during the morning mini-assembly where the MASH Show Choir performed. During the Miracle Minute, student council members passed jars around the student body. Students had one minute to collect as much money as they could. The total after the Miracle Minute was $477.48. As the student council advisor just finished totaling the money, a student approached and asked how close the fundraiser was. The advisor said about $30. The student said the VFW was a good cause and wanted to support it. He donated $30 on the spot, putting the total at $507.48. A few staff members stopped by to check in on the total and donated. Student council matched up to $500, bringing the total donation to $1017.48.

Based on the donation to individual jars, Assistant Principal Andy Guden had the most money donated. Mr. Guden was tased during the assembly on Friday.