Wisconsin Wrestling Federation postpones tourneys
Per a press release on its website this month, the Wisconsin Wrestling Federation announced plans that it would be cancelling upcoming tournaments due to concerns over COVID-19.
Their online statement reads as follows: The Wisconsin Wrestling Federation is announcing the postponement of the State Freestyle and Greco-Roman State Tournament scheduled for May 2nd and 3rd.
On March 30, 2020, with unanimous support of the USA Wrestling COVID-19 Advisory Committee, USA Wrestling has suspended all sanctioned events and national events through May 10.
This is an extension of a previous suspension of activities announced on March 16, which discontinued sanctioned events through April 6 and postponed or canceled national events through April 20.
For USA Wrestling, the number one priority is always the safety of the athletes and their families, all the members, the national staff and the entire U.S. wrestling community.
This decision aligns USA Wrestling with the U.S. Center for Disease Control’s guidance from March 16 that no gatherings of 50 or more people take place for the following eight weeks.
The USA Wrestling COVID-19 Advisory Committee includes Dr. Tom Price, a physician who is past U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and past member of Congress; Dr. Bernard Feldman, UWW Medical Commission member and Hall of Fame wrestling physician; and John Bardis, past U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, and a longtime USA Wrestling leader who has a successful career in the medical industry.
The Wisconsin Wrestling Federation will continue to comply with state and federal guidelines in hosting events. The Wisconsin Wrestling Federation has communicated with and has options on some venues for hosting state tournaments.
If the current restrictions are lifted the Wisconsin Wrestling Federation is hopeful for a Folkstyle and Freestyle/Greco-Roman State Tournaments.
The Wisconsin Wrestling Federation will continue to communicate with the medical professionals and government officials to stay informed and share that information with the public..