Abby sees increase in reading, math scores

Dual language students showing ‘great growth’
Amid concerns about the spread of coronavirus, the Abbotsford Board of Education got some good news during its monthly meeting Monday night.
District accountability coordinator Georgia Kraus informed the board that test score averages for reading, language usage and math proficiency met or exceeded average growth compared to last year.
Kraus displayed a graph highlighting the growth in all three subject areas in grades 3 through 8 based on this year’s Measuring Academic Progress tests.
“The most significant changes have been the growth in our math scores and the dual language section scores,” Kraus said.
Kraus attributes the jump to the dual language classes and instruction, along with the English Learner curriculum and the hard work of the district’s teaching staff.
“The data shows that the sections of third, fourth and fifth grade with the dual language program are showing higher growth in the areas of math, reading, and language usage,” she said.
Among the three categories, those in the dual language classes in grades 3-5 tested at an average of 63 in math, 61 in reading and 52 in language usage.
The third grade dual language class saw the largest growth across all three areas, with math coming in at 88, reading at 74 and language usage testing at 54.
Kraus says the higher math scores are the result of the district purchasing instruction materials in both English and Spanish, as well as bringing in a math trainer to help break down materials and how best they can be used.
Kraus said the test score improvement is extremely encouraging and is helping close the learning gap.
“We have kids making up more than a year’s growth,” Kraus said. “That’s really exciting. I would love to see the state look at these scores.”
Other business
_ Ivonne Vazquez officially joined the board Monday after being appointed to fill the seat vacated by Juanita Hammel.
_ The board approved a motion to hire Tyler Klieforth as a JV baseball coach and Timoly Brodhagen as a middle school track coach.
_ The board approved a motion to renew the Abbotsford/Colby baseball co-op team for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 seasons.
_ The board was informed that the WIAA will be looking at a proposal for a competitive balance formula in sports that would take into account factors of success, enrollment and reduced and free lunch accounts. If the proposal is passed, it could place Abbotsford in a more favorable division for basketball competition, dropping Abbotsford from D-4 down to D-5.
_ The board renewed the district’s contract with CESA 10 for the 2020-21 academic year. There will be a 3.3 percent increase in costs from last year’s contract in the amount of roughly $1,500.