Abby K-12 hosting tie-blanket event next week

Students collecting fleece, donations
The Abbotsford School District, in conjunction with Class of 2019 graduate Kallie Falteisek, will be holding a tie-blanket event on March 11-16.
Falteisek, who is currently enrolled as a student at UW-River Falls, discovered the idea while on campus, and joined their chapter of the Love Your Melon campaign.
“I am a member of the UWRF Love Your Melon Campus Crew, and we did a similar event this past semester,” Falteisek explained. “I thought it would be a great experience for the Abbotsford students as far as getting a feel for what volunteering your time for others in need is like, so I created an event at Abbotsford.”
Love Your Melon was begun in 2012 at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., with the goal of improving the lives of children afflicted with pediatric cancer.
To date, the organization has raised over $7 million to combat cancer, and has provided nearly 200,000 hats to children and families in need.
Students will raise money to purchase fleece, and tie the blankets together during Falcon Intervention Time (FIT) class periods the week of March 15. The blankets will then be donated to children at Marshfield Children’s Hospital.
Donations of fleece and money to purchase the materials, along with JoAnn Fabrics gift cards, are needed. Materials can be dropped off in the high school offi ce anytime.
Fleece donations should be 2-2.5 yards long. If making a monetary donation by check, make checks payable to the Abbotsford School District. Donations are due March 13.
For more information on this event, visit or message the Abbotsford School District’s Facebook page, which features a summary of the event.