Colby, Abby participate in Showcase Auction

Valentine’s Day this year held an opportunity for the community to show its support for local FFA chapters and emergency responders.
The fifth annual Northcentral FFA Showcase Auction was held Feb. 14 at the RJ Stockwell Auction Company in Dorchester. Proceeds of the auction benefi t the local FFA chapters of Abbotsford, Athens, Colby, Gilman, Medford and Owen-Withee. Along with the auction, the Dorchester Community Emergency Services held a fish fry to raise funds for their organization.
Since its inception in 2016, the Northcentral FFA Showcase Auction has attracted a diverse crowd of parents, community leaders, FFA alumni, business and industry representatives, as well as dairy, crop, and production agriculture farmers. Over $77,000 has been divided equally among the participating chapters to support a plethora of leadership and career-oriented activities and events.
The success of this auction has come from the great support of FFA friends in the business community who supply the chapters with exciting auction items.
The FFA organization’s ability to continue to positively impact its student members is due in large part to the generous support of individual donors and supporters who believe in the FFA mission, as well as gifts from businesses and corporations.
Financial support is extremely important to local FFA chapters, as each of these groups rely on donations and fundraisers to provide premier leadership opportunities to students interested in agricultural education at their local high schools.
The sale of FFA items took place from 6 p.m. until about 9:30 p.m., with over 100 items being sold. Sale items included gift baskets, feed, tool sets, model toys, tractors and machinery, a 40,000 BTU gas furnace, shavings, one ton of calf feed, pies and bakery items, a Green Mountain pellet grill, a queen-sized bed, projects made by FFA members, cheeses, sausage, maple syrup, other food items, and many more.
Along with the Northcentral FFA Showcase Auction, the Colby FFA Chapter is further supported by many industry sponsors in the area.
Zoetis partners with local veterinary clinics who nominate FFA chapters to be recipients of their Industry Support Program Funds. Northern Lakes Vet Supply and Clark-Marathon Veterinary Clinic are the reason Colby FFA received a generous donation from Zoetis. The Land O’Lakes, Inc. Foundation also partners with Provision Partners Cooperative with matching donations to the chapter.
FFA members are grateful for the opportunities that are only available because of the overwhelming support of stakeholders. Each donation, gift, bid and cheer is seen and heard by members who are spiraling into life with experience in the agriculture industry.
“Members are able to leave high school with a solid foundation in life skills and agriculture knowledge and skill,” said Colby FFA advisor Taylor Ensign. “We cannot thank each supporter in our community for all that you do to keep our members involved and succeeding!”