Comfort & Joy collects 375 blankets in 2019

Comfort & Joy was created in 2015 based on a discussion amongst friends about the need for warmth and comfort for people in need. A request was created on Facebook for people to donate blankets.
In the first year, 77 blankets and 125 Beanie Babies were donated to the Taylor County Sheriff’s Department and the Medford Police Department.
In 2016, 50 blankets were donated to local law enforcement and Medford area nursing homes.
In 2017, the effort expanded from Medford and Gilman (collection locations of Peoples Choice Credit Union) to include the Clark County area, as Abbyland Travel Center was invited to join in. Kelly Uhlig and Nicky Nash joined the group’s “vision” and, together, volunteers collected 154 blankets.
In Taylor County, blankets will be donated to local law enforcement, Medford Aspirus Care & Rehab, the Gilman Area Fire Department, Beds for Christ and Stepping Stones.
In Clark County, the group is donating to the Central Wisconsin Fire & EMS (serving Abbotsford, Colby and Dorchester), Clark County Social Services, Abbotsford/ Colby Police Department, House of Mercy in Loyal, the Owen-Withee-Curtiss Fire and EMS and to an Abbyland employee that lost his home to a fire.
In 2018, the group exceeded expectations, collecting 359 blankets. In Taylor County, blankets were donated to the Taylor County Human Services, local fire departments, Stepping Stones and the Housing Authority.
In Clark County, blankets were donated to Waterford Assistant Living Center in Colby, Clark County Health Care Center in Owen, Clark County Social Services, the Colby-Abbotsford Police Department, Central Wisconsin Fire and EMS, Owen-Withee-Curtiss Fire & EMS and House of Mercy in Loyal.
2019 was another successful year, with 375 blankets collected. In Taylor County, the blankets were donated to the Medford Fire Department, Gilman Fire/ Ambulance Departments, Hope Hospice, Christmas Wish, Stepping Stones, Taylor County Human Services, Taylor County Housing Authority and Our House Assisted Living.
In Clark County, a donation was made to Clark County Health Care Center, Clark County Social Services and House of Mercy in Loyal. A future donation is being planned for the Taylor County Humane Society.
Peoples Choice Credit Union of Medford and Gilman and Abbyland Travel Center in Curtiss continue to serve as drop-off locations for the blankets. Seth Miller of Lynco Products assists Abbyland with their collection efforts.