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Send Stratford news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Student of the month

Matthew Dickinson has been awarded the Stratford High School March student of the month.

A term or phrase to describe Dickinson is personal growth. Personal growth is the ongoing process of understanding and developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential. Personal development is a vital part in a person’s growth, maturity, success and happiness.

A nominator said this about Dickinson: Over the past four years, he has grown and matured into a polite, highly respectable young man. I am very proud how he has learned to work through challenges by being reflective and self-motivated. He has set goals and achieved them. The growth he has shown as a student at Stratford High School is amazing.

Another nominator said this about him: The student of the month has shown tremendous growth as a person and student his senior year. I feel that he has reflected back on his high school career and determined what he needed to do to prepare himself for life after high school. He has always been a conscientious and considerate student, but has taken it to a new level by becoming more involved and improving his leadership.

Another nominator said this: Dickinson is a respectful young man who has made great strides in his academics and personal growth throughout high school. His positive energy toward making personal life growth and supporting others in their life growth demonstrates leadership.

He has gained pride in himself for his actions and works to make things right with others when he steps back. He deserves to be very proud of the accomplishments he has made in the past few years to become the person he was always capable of being.

Another nominator said this about Dickinson: We have watched this young man “grow” into a proud, hardworking, successful student at Stratford Schools. A person that has now transformed himself into a leader in his field.

He earns good grades and is dedicated to becoming successful. He found a passion and an interest that ideally turns into his future career. He has done this while staying part of a wrestling team that pushes him to extreme levels. He works so hard and is always a positive role model. He should be student of the month for having high character and never giving up. He is a proven success story.

Dickson is involved in the following school activities and groups: Wrestling, FFA, St. Joseph’s Church server, Zaleski Sports as a commentator and broadcaster, youth wrestling volunteer and Student Council.

Dairy breakfast is off

Members of the Stratford FFA Alumni voted to cancel the 2020 breakfast.

Becky Wirkus, Stratford FFA co-advisor, said in place of not having a dairy breakfast this year FFA members are working on some dairy product giveaways.

Village hall closed

The village hall of Stratford will be closed to the public in an effort to limit face-to-face contact and to combat the spread of COVID-19.

If you wish to make a utility payment, include your bill stub and payment in an envelope and place it in the drop box outside the village hall’s front door. Change will not be available for cash payments. Citizens are also advised to visit to pay online, and fees will apply..

To contact the Stratford Police Department for a nonemergency, call 715-687-3131. For further assistance, call the village office at 715-687-4166.

Sales are canceled

Rummaging Around Stratford has been cancelled for 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic, with plans to resume as usual in 2021.

Siren testing

Residents should look at the village of Stratford’s Facebook site to find out when the village plans to test the sirens this month.