
Send Stratford news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Student of the Month
Stratford High School senior Tyler Lappe is the Student of the Month for November.
A term used to describe Lappe is consistency, which is to act or do in the same way over time, especially to be fair or accurate.
One nominator said this: Lappe is dedicated to his school work, whle always striving to improve and challenge himself even when it doesn’t affect his overall GPA or grade. He works hard to become a better writer and clearly enjoys learning about topics that interest him.
Another nominator said this: Lappe has a “can-do” attitude and he does not turn down any challenge. He is a great role model for other students in the community because he is respectful, kind and polite to staff and fellow students alike.
Lappe is involved the following numerous school activities and groups: National Honor Society, Varsity Band, High Honor Roll, FBLA, Quiz Bowl, Forensics, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Technology Youth Apprentice, football, basketball and track.
In 2010, a generous benefactor, teacher and coach had a vision to honor students that meet a list of criteria. He partnered with the Stratford Lions Club to create the Student of the Month.
The Student of the Month meets or exceeds the following criteria, not limited to: Character through empathy, compassion, honesty, trustworthiness, and loyalty; attitude toward others; good citizenshipp; leadership and integrity; responsibility and espectful to peers and teachers
Adult quilting
People can work on their quilting projects from 1-3 p.m., on Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the Stratford Community Hall, located at 118900 Larch St.
Each month, Marathon County Branch Stratford library staff will share quilting skills and techniques with attendees of this program.
Attendees should bring their own supplies and ongoing projects, and the library will provide patterns and instruction books to further their experience.
Library event
Tweens and kids can listen to C.S. Lewis’ classic book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” on audiobook as they make Narnia-themed crafts and play Narnia-themed games during a free event from 3-7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch, located at 213201 Scholar St.
Deer hide collection
The Stratford Lions Club will continue collecting deer hides for the Lions Camp only at its trailer, located on STH 97 just south of the intersection of STH 153 and 97. The deer hide collection lasts until Sunday, Dec. 8.
The Lions Club is asking people to be respectful by only only placing deer hides in the trailer. The Lions Club can no longer dispose of deer heads or legs.
Anyone with questions about the Stratford Lions Club deer hide collection should call Lion Barry Brubaker at 715-616-1155.
History Speaks
Europeans thought the world was flat until Christopher Columbus stumbled up on the Americas.
Keith Montgomery will explore scientific changes that ensued during “Columbus and the new world: 16th centry originas of the Scientific Revolution” during a History Speaks presentation at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 16, at Zion Lutheran Church, located at 213501 Legacy St.
This presentation is part of the History Speaks in Your Town series presented by the Marathon County Historical Society and the Continuing Education office of UW-Stevens Point at Wausau.
Montgomery, Ph.D., is a frequent speaker on central Wisconsin’s geology. He is a faculty member in the Department of Geography and Geology at UW-Stevens Point.
His talk is free and open to the public. All donations are appreciated and registration is not required for this event.
People wanting more information on this History Speaks event should call the Marathon County Historical Society at 715-842-5750.