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Village board sets levy for Rib Lake

At the Rib Lake Village Board meeting on November 8, 2022, the Board discussed the 2023 Proposed General Fund Budget. They came in at a flat levy, neither reducing or increasing it. The total amount of money needed from the 2022 levy is $203,019, with the village having total expenditures of $699,658 and total revenue of $496,639.

In Other Business: The new light poles that were ordered by the village are scheduled for shipping on January 3, 2023, according to an MSA rep.

The village is upgrading their phone lines due to Verizon ending their 3G network. The village will be eliminating three fairly unused phone lines, and will be saving $240 per year on each of them, not including the cost of upgrading them.

The water treatment plant had some expensive repairs, mainly to what was referred to as the “brain box of the entire operation” needing replacement due to mice getting into it. The Utilities committee will be looking into pest control, as well as fixing the original in order to have it as a backup in the future.

The aeration system is in the lake. The village would like to warn people to stay away from the aeration system in the lake, as to not destroy it with boats. The area is surrounded by buoys and will have signage warning people about it.

Village employee wage rates are increasing by around 4%.

The Rib Lake Fire Department is running a smoke alarm program to encourage people to upgrade their smoke detectors. Stop by the fire department for a free 10 year smoke alarm with installment.