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best to get proper information, ….

best to get proper information, to question when things just don’t make sense, then make the best decisions for our residents.

These decisions may not be in line with other counties, the state or federal government, but we need to do what is right for Taylor County. It will take time for our citizens to learn to trust again.

The workforce shortage is a huge challenge in Taylor County. Businesses cannot stay open without workers. That being said, I am going to combine the rest of this answer with the next question: How can the county help promote economic development and residential population growth especially in more rural portions of the county?

I see this as a marketing campaign. Let’s target the young. Every year, we have a new group of potential employees. Our teenagers. Getting a job, to earn money to pay for a car, phone, bicycle, or new clothes, is the responsible thing to do. Working in any job, no matter what it is, is a “reference” for your next job or entry into any form of higher education. Starting out as a waitress, dishwasher, line worker, carpenter, dairy farm worker, are all respectable ways to start out in the job market.

Let’s target families and older workers (who are sometimes overlooked) and make Taylor County a place where young families want to stay, move to or retire. Improving our park systems and bringing businesses into the county that appeal to locals, new residents, older population and tourists. An organic food store, specialty shops, a pizza and/or BBQ restaurant are some potential ideas.

Housing and broadband internet are a big part of this and are already being developed. Thank you to the committees and groups that are taking these on.

In rural areas, I see a big potential for more farms to develop as locally grown food sources for our community. We as the county should encourage and again market the value of buying local. Encourage Farm to School lunch programs.

Would you support a more formalized administrative leadership structure for county employees? Why or why not?

It has become obvious in the past couple months from reading the Star News that Taylor County needs something different in the handling of the county employees. The concerns at the courthouse in particular need to be addressed with consistency. I believe they can be handled by an administrator OR the county board but not as they are being addressed currently.

I see an administrator as the person who handles issues as they arise. She/he will be on site and generally available to handle personnel complaints, building issues, data concerns, and will also look forward and plan for the future needs of the county. The administrator can look at all departments and help prioritize the needs. She/he would not replace the county board and would always have to answer to them.

The county board committees could also handle the job but it is more difficult as none are full time employees of the county. Structure must be put in place to make someone the go-to person to handle immediate issues. On-going issues must be addressed and personnel issues must be handled with consistency. Policies should be in place and adhered to.