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New effort to prevent underage drinking: Have small talks

Taylor County Drug Opposition Partners urges adults to have short, casual conversations with kids about the dangers of drinking alcohol before the age of 21.

Taylor County Drug Opposition Partners is partnering with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services on Small Talks, a new campaign to prevent underage drinking in Taylor County. This effort encourages adults to have short, casual conversations with kids starting at age eight on the dangers of drinking alcohol before the age of 21.

“Underage drinking isn’t a rite of passage. It’s not just curiosity or bad behavior, either. It’s a communitywide challenge that affects families of all shapes and sizes,” said Joseph A. Greget, Chairperson of the Taylor County Drug Opposition Partners. “Research shows that parents, loved ones, and other caring adults are the most powerful influence on a child’s choices about underage drinking. All you have to do is talk. There’s no big production necessary. You can have a small talk anytime, anywhere. Help a child sort out what they hear from friends or see on TV before someone hands them a drink.”

Despite recent success reducing underage drinking, there is an ongoing need to prevent it. According to recent surveys, in Wisconsin:

• Sixty-five percent of teens have tried alcohol.

• Nearly 42,000 high school students report trying alcohol by age 13.

• Two out of three teens don’t see underage drinking as a risk.

Underage drinking is risky. When youth drink alcohol, they can damage and even block the development of healthy mental pathways in the brain that shape how kids feel, learn, behave, and grow. Damage like that can have lifelong physical, social, and emotional consequences.

Visit the Small Talks campaign website – SmallTalksWI. org – for underage drinking talk facts, tips, and more. Share your small talks moments on social media using #SmallTalksWI.