Don’t be fooled by campaign mailings

Area residents are getting flooded with election-related mailings. Many of these are the usual sorts of glossy campaign literature that makes a quick trip to the recycling bin. However, some area residents are reporting getting letters telling them they are not registered to vote or mailings about getting an absentee or “mail in” ballot.
If you haven’t moved since the last time you voted, you should have nothing to worry about as far as your registration. If you have moved, you will need to re-register either at your local municipal clerk’s office or online at
According to the Wisconsin Election Commission, state law requires that you live at your current address for 28 consecutive days to be eligible to vote from your new address. If you recently moved you can vote from your old address. Wisconsin residents can quickly and easily check their voter registration status at myvote.
This election has seen a huge spike in the number of absentee ballots filed. Wisconsin voters who choose not to go to the polls on election day, have the option of mailin absentee ballots or in-person absentee ballots.
If you have requested and received your absentee ballot and plan to vote by mail, voters are encouraged to return the ballots as soon as possible so that they are received by election day.
There are efforts to try to have ballots postmarked by election day be allowed, however, election officials urge caution for people to return absentee ballots well in advance of election day to make sure their votes are counted.
If you have requested an absentee ballot but did not receive it, you should contact your municipal clerk’s offi ce.