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Dispatch Logs

Gilman Police Department

April 10 - 9:18 a.m., traffic hazard, Babit Ave. and Gilman Dr.; 9:19 a.m., suspicious activity, 505 E. Main St.

April 12 - 11:53 a.m., suspicious activity, 520 E. Main St.

April 14 - 1:52 p.m., traffic hazard, Park Dr.; 1:53 p.m., information, 325 N. 5th Ave.; 2:40 p.m., grass fire, Ridge Dr.

Rib Lake Police Department

April 10 - 9:57 a.m., 911 hang up, 1205 Kennedy St.

Medford Police Department

April 10 - 8:10 a.m., ambulance request, 955 E. Allman St.; 1:30 p.m., information, 540 E. College St.,; 3:14 p.m., property damage, 150 Medford Plaza; 6:37 p.m., suspicious activity, 670 W. Broadway Ave.

April 11 - 11:25 a.m., Property Damage, 632 Tee Hi Place; 11:48 a.m., truancy, 1015 W. Broadway Ave., 1:29 p.m., request for officer, 653 S. Gibson St.; 1:39 p.m., truancy, 509 E. Clark St.;3:12 p.m., request for officer, 117 N. 8th St.; 7:04 p.m., welfare check, 705 E. Perkins St.; 11:47 p.m., suspicious activity, Vega Ln.

April 12 - 7:29 a.m., alarm-fire, 520 S. Whelen; 11:11 a.m., citizen dispute, 849 N. 8th St.; 11:18 a.m., truancy, 1015 W. Broadway Ave.; 12:07 p.m., lost property, 135 S. Gibson St.; 1:43 p.m., harassment, city of Medford; 2 p.m., parking problem, E. Clark St. and S. 7th St.; 2:01 p.m., noise complaint, 134 N. Washington Ave.; 3:07 p.m., information, 135 S. Gibson St.; 5:39 p.m., animal complaint, 160 Medford Plaza; 7:26 p.m., agency assist, W5542 Apple Ave., Little Black; 8:58 p.m. trespassing, 115 Industrial Dr.; 9:30 p.m., suspicious activity, 909 Casement Court.

April 13 - 5:17 a.m., traffic complaint, 670 W. Broadway; 9:46 a.m., vehicle inspection, 316 S. Main St.; 11:13 a.m., request for officer, Mink Capital Terrace; 5:12 p.m., agency assist, 132 S. 7th St.;7:14 p.m., alarm-fire, 135 S. Gibson St,; 7:25 p.m., request for officer, National Ave.;8:20 p.m., fire-vehicle, S. 8th St and CTH O.

April 14 - 6:37 a.m. disorderly, 854 N. 8th St.; 10:18 a.m., suspicious activity, 1010 N. 8th St.; 11:22 a.m., trespassing, 317 S. Main St.; 12:27 p.m., assist school, 624 E. College St.; 2 p.m., found property, CTH O and Gibson Dr.; 6:26 p.m., traffic complaint, Impala Dr.; 8:08 p.m., request for officer, 524 N. Second St., Apt. 3; 9:51 p.m., agency assist, N1783 Robin Dr., Deer Creek; 11:54 p.m., suspicious activity, North Road., gazebo.

April 15 - 12:07 a.m., OWI, E. Allman St. and N. Shattuck St.; 2:16 p.m., traffic hazard, N. 8th St. and Impala Dr.; 5:18 p.m., lockout, 853 N. 8th St.; 7:58 p.m., request for officer, 557 E. Urquhart St.

April 16 - 3:50 p.m., noise complaint, 820 River Dr. , Apt 107; 9:07 p.m., harassment, 223 E. Allman St,

Taylor County Sheriff’s Department

April 8 - 4:48 a.m., information, Grahl Dr, Browning.; 6:27 a.m., animal-injured, 2.5 Miles west of Little Black Town Hall, Cth A.; 9:12 a.m., animal complaint, W14085 Cemetery Rd, Cleveland.; 10:38 a.m., escort, Hwy 13 & Dassow Ave, Chelsea.; 11:57 a.m., lockout, W11019 Cth A.; 3:14 p.m., theft, Rib Lake.; 4:39 p.m., 911 hang up, 1119 Kennedy St, Rib Lake.; 9:26 p.m., suspicious activity, Cth M & County Line Rd, Pershing.; 9:43 p.m., citizen assist, 1700 E Main St, Gilman.; 10:45 p.m., transport, Aspirus ER to Norwood Mental Health.

April 9 - 11:12 a.m., 911 hang up, N5159 Gilman Rd, See DISPATCH LOGS page 17 Dispatch

L ogs

Continued from page 16

Pershing.; 3:30 p.m., 911 hang up, 818 Mccomb Ave, Rib Lake. 7:09 p.m., accident, Crane Dr & Perkins St, Medford.; 8:03 p.m., agency assist, 121 S Washington Ave, Medford.; 8:09 p.m., animal bite, W6707 Hwy 64, Currently Aspirus ER, Medford.; 9:02 p.m., harassment, W13779 Cth M, Cleveland.

April 10 - 6:42 a.m., transport, Stanley to Taylor County Jail; 11:19 a.m., 911 hang up, N2069 Skyline Dr., Taft; 12:55 p.m., gas drive off, 115 Hwy 13, Stetsonville; 4:10 p.m., animal at large, W16508 Hwy 64, Aurora.

April 11 - 10:19 a.m., citizen assist, W14085 Cemetery Rd., Cleveland; 1:15 p.m., animal bite, W5807 Quarter Ln, Chelsea; 2:19 p.m., ambulance request, W10807 Sawyer Ave., Grover; 4:40 p.m., 911 hangup, 1129 Kennedy St., Rib Lake; 6:05 p.m., welfare check, 120 S. Well St., Apt 5, Gilman; 9:54 p.m., citizen assist, 224 S. Second St., Medford.

April 12 - 4:45 a.m., animal injured, CTH E and Elm Ave., Holway; 5:10 a.m., animal injured, Hwy 64 and Sawyer Ave., Hammel; 1:12 p.m., request for officer, W13905 Trucker Ln., Ford; 1:42 p.m., 911 hang up, 611 CTH A, Stetsonville; 3:18 p.m., alarm-commerical, 201 E. Main St., Gilman; 4:53 p.m., property damage NTC parking lot D; 5:08 p.m., information, W7280 County Line Rd., Little Black; 5:24 p.m., agency assist, N8381 Ahlers Ave., McKinley; 7:16 p.m., request for officer, 620 E. McSloy St., Gilman; 7:26 p.m., disorderly, W5542 Apple Ave., Little Black; 8:42 p.m., accident, N3637 Hwy 13, Medford; 8:53 p.m., traffic hazard, Wood Creek Ave. and Martin Rd., Greenwood; 9:22 p.m., suspicious activity, W13116 CTH F, Roosevelt; 11:34 p.m., disorderly, N8381 Ahlers Av., McKinley.

April 13 - 6:23 a.m., citizen assist, N3359 Mokry Rd, Medford; 6:38 a.m., disorderly, W1169 CTH M, Greenwood; 10:11 a.m., welfare check, W4745 Brink Ave., Browning, 11:36 a.m., misconduct, Lublin; 3:56 p.m., request for officer, N6074 Settlement Dr., Chelsea;5:30 p.m., traffic hazard, CTH A and Robin Dr., Deer Creek; 5:47 p.m., traffic complaint, Crane Dr. and Correction Ln., Medford; 6:41 p.m., animal bite, N4258 Hwy 13, Medford; 8:20 p.m., fire - vehicle, S. 8th St. and CTH O, Medford.

April 14 - 6:02 a.m., transport, Jackson Correctional to Taylor County Jail.; 7:30 a.m., transport, Jail to Aspirus, Medford.; 7:59 a.m., animal at large, W5462 Apple Ave, Little Black.; 12:40 p.m., request for officer, 939 High St, Rib Lake.; 2:35 p.m., transport, Taylor County Jail to Aspirus.; 3:28 p.m., property damage, W13670 Elm Dr., Lublin.; 6:09 p.m., disorderly conduct, 720 Hwy 102, Camp 28, Rib Lake.; 8:09 p.m., suspicious activity, Cth O & Cth Q, Little Black.; 8:37 p.m., ATV incident, Keyes Ave, Molitor.; 8:49 p.m., welfare check, 910 Hwy 102, C& G Mini Mart, Rib Lake.; 9:31 p.m., traffic complaint, Crane Dr & Correction Ln, Medford.; 9:51 p.m., juvenile problem, Deer Creek.

April 15 - 2:49 a.m., transport, Marathon Secure.; 9:41 a.m., alarm-fire, N8891 Bridge Dr, McKinley.; 11:57 a.m., domestic, W3721 Hwy 64, Browning.; 1:13 p.m., request for officer, N5541 Norway Dr, Chelsea.; 4:46 p.m., ATV incident, W8122 Hwy 64, Hammel.; 5:39 p.m., request for officer, 550 E Babit Ave, Gilman.; 5:44 p.m., theft, W1993 Wood Creek Ave, Greenwood.; 6:59 p.m., accident, Beaver Creek Rd & Perkinstown Ave, Ford.

April 16 - 3:50 p.m., domestic, 820 River Dr, Apt 107, Medford.; 8:44 p.m., accident, Hwy 13 & Elm Ave, Little Black.; 9:04 a.m., accident, Hwy 64 & Castle Rd, Medford.