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Input sought on deer herd size, management unit boundaries

Taylor County meets Dec. 16

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) invites hunters, farmers, foresters and anyone interested in the Wisconsin deer herd to attend upcoming County Deer Advisory Council (CDAC) meetings held virtually across the state Dec. 7-18.

Councils will meet via teleconference to review deer herd metrics and harvest data from the last three years and to provide a preliminary recommendation on the herd size objective for the next three years. The DNR will also share preliminary recommendations on the deer management unit and zone boundaries.

The public may register to speak at a meeting or provide written comments using the Public Comment Sign-Up form by Thursday, Dec. 3. It can be found at https://

Taylor County’s virtual meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. The toll-free number to listen in on the virtual meeting is 1-866-715-6499. The meeting ID number is 6026260115.

Every three years, Wisconsinites have the opportunity to weigh in on the future size of the deer herd and management unit boundaries for their county. The council for each county will discuss deer herd metrics and harvest statistics to develop preliminary recommendations for three-year herd size objectives that may increase, decrease or maintain the deer herd’s size.

The DNR will also share the agency’s preliminary recommendations for changes to deer management units, zones or metro sub-units. Preliminary recommendations on herd size objectives and management unit boundaries will be available for public comment Jan. 4-13, 2021.

In late January, each council will reconvene to discuss the public input received and finalize their recommendations to the DNR. The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board will receive the final council recommendations at their February meeting.

Since 2014, CDACs provide an open venue to develop county-specific deer population objectives and herd management strategies through public involvement. Council members review and consider a variety of metrics on deer herd trends, impacts to habitat and various human-deer interactions.

CDACs provide Wisconsinites greater input into local deer management decisions and are important for shaping the next three years of deer hunting and management in the state. All council meetings are open to the public and include an opportunity to provide feedback as each council develops its preliminary recommendations.

Find more information regarding CDACs at https:// Additional questions can also be sent via email to