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CVTC makes plans for fall semester

Chippewa Valley Technical College will open as scheduled for the fall semester, with some changes to instructional methods, according to an announcement released on May 22.

“While some things may look slightly different, we are not changing everything,” said President Bruce Barker. “We have a schedule that we intend to follow with necessary modifications to support the safety of our students and employees.”

Barker added that CVTC is committed to providing education to support individuals and companies across the district to prepare for essential positions and quality of life in the community.

“While delivery methods of instructional and support services may be modifi ed, courses will continue to deliver quality education and competencies to meet industry standards and accreditation guidelines,” Barker said. “In addition, student service needs will be provided to support goal achievement for the students.”

Dr. Julie Furst-Bowe, vice president of instruction, said faculty, deans and leadership worked hard to come up with a plan to ensure delivery of quality education during these unique and challenging times. “Delivery and engagement will include online, MyChoice (hybrid) and other remote-technology options,” Furst-Bowe said. “Face-to-face instruction and labs will be delivered as possible. This includes a variety of program areas, particularly those with specific lab and hands-on requirements such as healthcare, manufacturing, emergency services, transportation and cosmetology.”

Safety precautions have already been implemented, as several essential programs returned to a face-to-face setting for completion in the spring semester and will also be exercised for the summer semester starting June 8, according to Furst-Bowe. Fall courses will follow suit based on state and local guidelines for reopening and health considerations.

“For example, the electrical power distribution program is slated for two cohorts of 18 students. This summer, these cohorts of line workers will be divided into four groups to adhere to group size and social distancing recommendations,” Furst-Bowe said.

“The hands-on components of CVTC programs are critical to the success of our students,” Barker said. “Our instructors and curriculum development team will continue to develop innovative opportunities for online or hybrid programs. We’re not just online. We’re providing the hands-on component in a creative way when we can’t be together in person.”