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improprieties. Wisconsin’s 10 ….


Wisconsin’s 10 Electoral College representatives cast ballots for the Biden/ Harris ticket at the state capitol on Monday.

In the county GOP resolution, the party states without evidence that absentee ballot envelopes were illegally edited by municipal clerks, early inperson voters did not have absentee ballot applications and that a Democracy in the Park event held in Madison to gather absentee ballots was illegal.

The resolution complained, also without evidence, that Dane and Milwaukee County election officials gave illegal advice and allowed voters to submit absentee ballots as “indefinitely confined” so they would not have to show photo ID.

These same alleged complaints were all brought before the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The justices failed to grant the Trump campaign request to void certification of the election by Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat.

The resolution was signed by county party officials, Valerie Carrillo, chairman, and Roberta Siegharter, secretary.

The Associated Press reports that the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket won Wisconsin by 20,600 votes and, in a recount of Dane and Milwaukee counties requested by the Trump campaign, the Democrats gained an additional 87 votes.

Marathon County Republican Party spokesperson Kevin Hermening did not return a telephone call to comment further on the resolution and subsequent events.

In another related development, Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Seventh) was one of 125 House members to sign an amicus brief on Dec. 10 in support of a Texas lawsuit that sought to overturn the presidential vote in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

In a statement to the press, Tiffany defended his signature on the amicus brief: “As I have said before, this is bigger than President Trump or Joe Biden. This lawsuit is about the integrity of our system. Every legal vote must be counted, credible complaints of fraud and irregularities must be investigated, and legitimate legal challenges must be heard and addressed by our independent judiciary.”

Tiffany did not return an e-mail inquiry asking for reaction to the 9-0 United States Supreme Court ruling against the merits of the Texas lawsuit.