
Send Stratford news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Student of the Month
Senior Tristan Wirkus has been awarded the Stratford High School Student of the Month for October. He is the son of Tony and Becky Wirkus.
A term that best describes Wirkus would be genuine. A genuine person is processing the claimed or attributed character, quality or origin. Tristan is genuinely giving of time, heart and soul, and integrity and honesty to make his community and school a better place.
One nominator said the following about Tristan: “As a person, I have found him to be caring, compassionate and dedicated. He follows through on his obligations and can be counted on to make any event successful. He has a calm demeanor that is enriched with a great sense of humor.”
Another nominator said the following about Tristan: “He is a very positive and helpful student. He is kind and respectful to all people, staff and students. He has countless volunteer hours and is involved in community projects and events.
Tristan’s community and school involvement, along with his accomplishments include being a high honor roll student, a member of the National Honor Society, tutor- ing for three years, being a member of the Math League, a PALS mentor, on the High Quiz Bowl team, volunteer- ing at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Halder, a member of the jazz and pep bands, FCA, FBLA, Adopt-a-Highway and the FFA.
Grab & Go craft
Stratford-area residents can fill their homes with winter whimsy by making their own giant paper bag snowflake with a Grab & Go craft kit from the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch, located at 213201 Scholar Street.
The kits will be available at the Stratford Library from Monday, Dec. 7, through Friday, Dec. 11. Each kit will contain supplies and instructions for making a giant paper bag star or paper bag snowflake, which can then be used to decorate a person’s home for the winter season.
This craft is recommended for adults, teenagers and children eight years and older.
The kit is free and available by appointment for curbside pickup, or inside the Stratford Library, while supplies last. Kits are limited to one for each person.
For more information on the craft kits, people can call the Stratford Library at 715-687-4420.
Blood drive
Versiti Blood Center will hold a blood drive from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Stratford High School.
People should park in the north lot near the Fanetti Wrestling Center and enter the north gymnasium doors to access the blood drive.
Those who want to donate blood are asked to stay hydrated well in the days before their donation, and also eat big meals prior to donating blood.
MAREA meets
The Marshfield Area Re- tired Educators’ (MAREA) Nov. 16 meeting was called to order by president Cindee Loos, via Zoom.
Nine members attended the Zoom meeting. Following the Pledge to the Flag, Carol Ballerstein reported no minutes have been taken since the March meeting at Country Aire. A treasurer’s report was given.
Committee reports were given. Ruby Pinter reported the two scholarship recipients will receive their check upon verification of college enrollment. Pinter sent a thank you to all who made a donation to the scholarship fund. This fund has over $2,400 which in- cludes brat fry money.
Doreen Schultz reported on United States president-elect Joe Biden stating the need for more COVID-19 testing, faster testing, more PPE and better tracking. Schultz suggested members contact legislators to ask for federal assistance with these issues.
Kathleen Hasenhrol reported on recent information stating that masks mads of two layers of different fibers is best.
Ballerstein reported cards were sent to the Vivian Kramer, Joyce Rannow and to Ken Kolek’s families, and $25 was donated on behalf of each of them to the WREA Foundation. A card was also sent to Joann Runge after her husband’s death. Thank you notes were received from Joyce Rannow’s family and Marge Kolek.
Members at the meeting signed up to send a Christmas cared to senior members of MAREA.
Ballerstein was awarded the MAREA Volunteer of the Year and members are asked to continue recording their volunteer hours. Trina Tiffany reported she is working on updating the MAREA directory. Pinter reported member donations have allowed the organization to contribute to local food pantries.
Under new business, MAREA members are encouraged to cheer for teachers and medical COVID units.
A discussion of using Zoom for meetings took place. For example, is Zoom cost efficient and how to make it more user friendly? Trina offered to assist members with using Zoom.
A discussion of the MAREA blog during COVID time took place. Mary Denk has maintained the blog in the past.

First buck with the bowStratford High School senior Cody Miller, 18, shot and killed this 10-point buck with his bow on Nov. 17 just west of Stratford. He also bagged his first doe with the bow in September.