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Send Marathon news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Legion auxiliary
Betty Blume called the meeting of Alois Dreikosen Auxiliary Unit 469 to order on Feb. 13 with 16 members present. Opening meeting protocol was followed.
The minutes of the November meeting were read. The minutes were approved as read.
Membership chair Bonnie Schult reported there are 96 paid members. She reported four members passed away last year. Bonnie announced January and February birthdays. There is no one on the sick list.
Maddie Martin will be contacted about being Poppy Princess, it was reported. She will need to attend the March 12 meeting. Nicole Skrzypchak talked about having the juniors help with spring cleaning at the Highground on May 9. She will need to RSVP by April 24 the number participating for lunch that is provided to volunteers.
Thank you notes were read from Lia Klumpyan, Eric Mroczenski, Engineer 428 Unit from Mitch Fromm and Kyle Ewert, and for Honor Flight donation.
Jennie Skrzypchak found confirmation of Barb Knauf’s Presidential term and the plaque was updated. The unit discussed having a ceremony at Copperleaf Assisted Living in Marathon for members reaching milestones.
Julie Carriveau made motion to donate to the April 18 Post Prom. Motion carried. Be Strong Rebel Ride, May 9: Bonnie Schult made motion to donate to the May 9 Be Strong Rebel Ride. Brenda Wirkus moved to provide financial help to a soldier who served with Pam Fromm’s son and has multiple health issues. Motion carried.
It was reported Lynn Witberler approached Colleen Handrick about making a patriotic quilt that would be used as a fundraiser raffle item. Kathy Grell will check with the Legion to see if the auxiliary can use its raffle license or if the auxiliary will need to apply for its own.
Betty Blume reported the seventh and eighth grade essays are complete and volunteers are needed to read the essays and pick winners. There will be four winners, three from seventh and eighth grades and one from sixth grade. Marlene and Bonnie volunteered to do this and will contact Mary Rosensprung to see if she would be willing to also help out. Winners will be invited to come to a unit meeting in the future and read their essays.
A poppy chairman is needed. Duties include making a schedule, preparing poppy baskets, and being available for volunteers to pick up poppy baskets on May 22 and 23 for poppy distribution. Bonnie will be Poppy chairman and she will contact Margaret Meacham to see if she wants to help out.
A signup sheet for working in the concessions stands is available, it was said.
The closing meeting protocol was followed and the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting will be held Thursday, March 12 at 7 p.m. at the Marathon Municipal Center.
Abby Plachetka, daughter of, Beth and Jeremey Plachetka, recently completed the Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Aide Certification at the Marathon Area Swim Center.
To fulfill the requirements for the certification, she had to complete over 25 hours of volunteer work, assisting swim instructors with students from 3 years of age and up.
WSI Aide candidates must be at least 11 years old, have completed Level 6 of the American Red Cross Swim Program, in addition to an orientation before beginning their volunteer hours.
Heritage Center
Due to Easter Sunday and Mother’s Day falling on the 2nd Sunday of the months of April and May, the Marathon City Heritage Center will not be open on April 12 (Easter Sunday) and instead will be open on Sunday, April 5, from noon - 2 p.m. The center will not be open on May 10 (Mother’s Day) and instead will be open Sunday, May 3, from noon - 2 p.m.
Spring Craft Week
Kids in grades K-5 can make a variety of crafts during the Spring Craft Week happening from March 23-28 at the Marathon Branch Public Library. Drop in any time. The branch is open to participate. This opportunity is free with all supplies provided. Call 715-443-2775 for more information.
A daughter, Ellie Joan, was born March 3, 2020, to Carrie and Willie Albrecht, Marathon, at the Aspirus Wausau Hospital. The infant weighed nine pounds, 12 ounces and measured 22 inches at birth.
On campus
UW-Eau Claire in December 2019 awarded degrees to two Marathon students. They are Abigail Buchberger, elementary education, and Elizabeth Handrick, nursing.
China and Tibet 2020
Marathon native Rick Lohr will speak on “Culture and Conflict on the Roof of the World: China and Tibet 2020” on Monday, March 23, 3:30 p.m. at the Sprencer Branch Public Library.
The talk, sponsored by the Marathon County Historical Society, is free to the public. All donations are appreciated.
Bee conference
The Central Wisconsin/Marathon County Beekeepers Association will hold an annual conference Saturday, March 14, in the Health Sciences Center at Northcentral Technical College, Wausau.
Topics at the conference will be hive maintenance, disease and pest control, honeybee genetics and queen rearing.
T-Ball registration
Children four years old through first grade are invited to sign up for Marathon T-Ball. Practices and games will be held during the month of June only. Practices are held on Monday and Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m. at Marathon Area Elementary School and games will be played Friday evenings at Veterans Park, Marathon. Siblings will automatically be placed on the same team.
For more information, contact Colleen, 715-302-3435; Connie, 715-370-0519; or Tracy, 715-574-9654.
Spring raffle
The Rib Falls Lions Club will host a spring raffle Sunday, April 19, at Don’s Bar, Rib Falls. Soda, beer and lunch will be provided. The event starts at 1 p.m. A drawing is at 3 p.m.
Marathon High School will host solo- ensemble on Tuesday, March 17. On this day high school students will not report to school unless they are taking part in the music competition. All other students in the district will have a normal school day.
Buses will run and transport students at St. Mary’s School, Marathon Area Elementary School and Marathon Venture Academy.
Knitters Night
Knitters and crocheters are invited to gather for a night of crafts and socializing at the Marathon Branch Public Library on Tuesday, March 17, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Participants are asked to bring their own supplies.