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Send Stratford news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 MAREA meets
The February meeting of the Marshfield Area Educators Association (MAREA) was called to order by president Ruby Thomas with 25 people in attendance.
Thank you notes were read from scholarship recipients and the Stratford Food Pantry.
Under committee reports, Ruby Pinter reported the MAREA Scholarship brat fry will be held May 28-29 at Festival Foods.
Doreen Schultz gave a legislative update noting the Tuesday primary. Kathleen Hasenohrl gave a health issues update regarding the new shingles vaccine availability and its effectiveness.
Carol Ballerstein, Sunshine and Shadows committee, noted two long time members, Vivian Kramer and Mary Luchterhand, celebrating birthdays received cards from MAREA. Joyce Rannow, former member living in West Bend, also received a birthday card.
Carol Subera noted the pension status. Volunteer hours were recorded and Trina Tiffany is continuing to update membership lists. Community action chair, Cheryl Eckert, reported today’s donations go to St. Vincent in Marshfield, with Ruby Thomas delivering.
Under new business, the WREA Spring district meeting is May 6 at The Lodge in Mauston. Cindee Loos will lead the nominating committee in procuring a member to fill the vice president two-year position. This person then serves as president for a two-year term. Ruby Thomas has volunteered to serve as treasurer starting in October.
Members were reminded to sign up as greeter and treater. Elaine Haas announced a March Showcase Players Show held in Colby. Anne Teska announced Tack Center events.
Under ongoing business, Ruby Pinter won the basket drawing. February birthday song was sung. March speaker is Brenda Bauer speaking on the Marshfield Gifted and Talented Leadership Program in the Marshfield schools.
The meeting was adjourned followed by Ruby Pinter’s “Travel Talk” on her August 2018 trip to Iceland. Members Ruby Thomas and Trina Tiffany, who have both been to Iceland, contributed to the talk. Iceland is known as the Land of Fire and Ice due to volcanoes, glaciers and icebergs. Iceland is about the size of Kentucky and became independent from Denmark in 1944.
Iceland has a president and a Prime Minister and is a multiparty system. Industries include fishing, agriculture and tourism. The population of Iceland is 340,000 people, three fourths of which live in Reykjavik, the capital city. Wages are high and prices are high. Twenty-five percent sales tax is the norm. Languages spoken include Icelandic, English and Danish.
Citizens of Iceland are provided cozy retirement homes, free health care and free education. People’s diet includes herring, dry shark, breads and cheese. Ruby concluded by stating the Icelandic people are peaceful residents with no crime to speak of.
College notes
Stratford college students Sara Dasler and Tessa Rauch graduated from UW-Eau Claire in December of 2019.
Dasler earned a bachelor of science degree in communication sciences and disorders. Rauch graduated with a bachelor of science degree in elementary education.
Nick Conlan of Stratford graduated from UW-Whitewater during a commencement ceremony on Dec. 21, 2019, with a bachelor of science degree in political science. Continued from page 10
Rachel Hollatz of Stratford was named to the fall honors list for the 2019-20 academic year at Concordia University in Mequon. Hollatz is a junior majoring in business management.
Genealogy training
Adults can work on their family histories and swap genealogy tips with one another during a free monthly event that from 1-2 p.m. at the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch on March 11 and April 8.
Leap for Learning
St. Joseph Catholic School in Stratford is offering Leap for Learning Days, which are half days at school for children who will be in Pre-Kindergarten next school year, to try out the school. Children would need to be four years old by Sept. 1, 2020 to start Pre-Kindergarten for the 2020-21 school year.
The last Leap for Learning Day is from 8 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. on April 8, Donuts with Dad/Grandpa/Uncle.
Children who attend the Leap for Learning Days should come to school with a coat, snow pants, boots, hat and mittens for playing outside for recess. Children would also need to wear a pair of shoes to wear inside the school when their wet boots are removed.
Medicare basics
Adults can learn all the ins and outs of Medicare eligibility during a free informative event from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 14, at the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch, located at 213201 Scholar St.
Registration is required for the event by calling 1-888-486-9545.
Book Club
Stratford-area residents are welcome to join a lively March Book Club discussion on “Becoming” by author Michelle Obama at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17.