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The Athens Acres 4-H Club met on Feb. 18 in the Athens High School music room.
Pledges were said and roll call was taken with 29 members present. The secretary minutes and treasury reports were approved as read.
February birthdays were recognized. Maleah Redmann, Jackson Miller and Chase Bauman picked from the birthday box.
The only project report was given for the Cloverbuds. The plants club members potted are growing well and the club is planning a Cloverbud Craft Day to get three more projects ready for the fair.
Under old business, the club donated 23 blankets and a $100 donation to the Family House and two scholarships were paid to Carley Lipinski and McKale Redmann.
New business was discussed. The Blue Ribbon dinner is set for Saturday, March 7. The club will be donating a basket for the raffle and volunteering to help serve the meal and cleaning up afterwards.
The county candy bar sale is due on March 23. Club members should let Jenny Lipinski know if they are selling or opting out. The club will be decorating cakes and cupcakes for the Irish Carnival. Club members will meet on Saturday, March 14 at 9 a.m. in the Trinity Lutheran church basement to decorate.
This year the club will be hosting the Easter Egg Hunt. It will be on Saturday, April 11 at 10 a.m. at Erbach Park. Club members will fill the eggs after the March meeting.
The club has also talked about the June Dairy Breakfast and the Lions 4th of July celebration. The Ha-Ha-Box winner was Mathew Redmann. The meeting was adjourned to the high school commons, where club members made Valentines for Veterans.
The club’s next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 17 at 7 p.m. in the Athens High School music room.
Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens card group met on Feb. 20 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Two games of Sheepshead were played. Sally Whaples won the first game and Ceil Frank took second place. Steve Klockziem won the second game and Bernice Passehl placed second. Jan Lake received low score.
The Senior Citizens card group will play cards again reat 1 p.m. on this Thursday, Feb. 27, at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Continuing Ed
Stratford Continuing Education is offering Yoga Basics class from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursdays, March 5 through May 14 in Athens.
Advance signup is required. People wanting more information and to sign up should visit
Weekly knitting
Adults can practice their knitting, crocheting and more on a weekly basis with new sessions of Needle Arts afternoons from 1-4 p.m. each Tuesday until May 26 at the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch, located at 221 Caroline Street.
Military supper
A military appreciation supper will be hosted by the Wien Wildcats 4H at 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 8, at the Wien Town Hall.
Current and former military service members are invited to attend at no cost. Those wanting to attend the supper need to RSVP by Wednesday, March 4, by calling 715-897-5354.
College graduate
Kelly Wirkus of Athens graduated from UW-La Crosse in December with a master of science degree in occupational therapy.
Book Club
The March Book Club at the Marathon County Branch Athens Library will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 12. Book Club attendees will discuss the book titled “Searching for Sylvie” by author Jean Kwok.
500 Club
The 500 Club met at the home of Gayle Mauer on Feb. 19. Oreo cheesecake and coffee were served before playing. Linda Adams won first place and Bitsy Ewan was second. Carol Westphal won the special prize.
The club will meet next on Wednesday, March 11, at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Carol Westphal.
STEAM assembly
Trinity Lutheran School in Athens will hold a SteamTechnologyEngineeringArtsMatch (STEAM) assembly in its gym from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Monday, March 30, in its gym. Youth from St. Anthony Catholic and Athens Elementary schools are welcome to attend.