COMMUNITY LIVING Send Athens news ….

Send Athens news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Birth
A baby girl, Harper Elise Schmidt, was born to parents Cody and Jackie Schmidt of Medford on Jan. 8, 2020, at Aspirus Hospital in Medford.
The baby weighed eight pounds, 20 ounces. She joins a brother, Sawyer, 4.
Grandparents are Doug and Lucy Schmidt of Athens and Gerry and Mary Jochimsen of Medford.
Dean’s list
Jacob Stange of Athens was awarded to the fall 2019 dean’s list at UW-Eau Claire. He is majoring in business.
Felting DIY event
Adults and teenagers are welcome to discover and learn the basics of needle felting during a multi-day event at the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch.
They can drop in any time the branch library is open until this Friday, Jan. 24, to learn this technique for creating their own shapes and forms from raw and dyed wool. This event is free to the public.
Military supper
A Military Appreciation supper will be hosted by the Wien Wildcats 4-H at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9, at Edgar High School.
Current and former military service members and a guest are invited. People planning on attending the supper need to RSVP by Feb. 3 to 715-897-5354.
Weekly knitting
Adults can practice their knitting, crocheting and more on a weekly basis with new sessions of Needle Arts afternoons from 1-4 p.m. each Tuesday until May 26 at the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch, located at 221 Caroline Street.
Open House
The Poniatowski Dare Devils Snowmobile Club is having a 50th anniversary open house on Saturday, Feb. 8, from noon until 6 p.m. at the club’s shed, which is located at 126866 Cherry Grove Lane in rural Edgar.
There will be food and drinks available at the open house. The Poniatowski Dare Devils Snowmobile Club was established in 1970.
Weaving initiative
All ages of people can participate in a community-wide weaving project happening now through March 19 at the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch, located at 221 Caroline St.
People can add to this ever evolving project using yarn and other textile materials any timne the branch is open. People wanting more information on this community initiative can call the Athens library at Continued from page 6
Candlelight Walk
The Athens Area Trails Association will hold its sixth annual Candlelight/ Moonlight Walk from 7-9 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8, at Erbach Park, which is located at the north end of Wells Street in Athens.
Attendees can either walk, snowshoe or cross country ski approximately 2.5 miles of beautifully groomed candlelit trails in Erbach Park.
There is free admission and no registration is required for this event. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Attendees can warm up around a giant campfire. Donations given during the event will aid in winter trail maintenance costs.
Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens card group met on Jan. 16 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Two games of Sheepshead were played. Butch Boris won the first game and Ray Schemenauer took second place. David Perrodin won the second game and Bernice Passehl placed second. Alvira Henrichs received low score.
The Senior Citizens card group will play cards again reat 1 p.m. on this Thursday, Jan. 23, at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Play and Learn
Parents and their young children are welcome to attend Play and Learn at 10:30 a.m. each Tuesday until May 26 at the Marathon County Athens Branch Library.
Family Story Time
Athens-area parents and their young children can attend Family Story Time at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday until May 14 at the Marathon County Athens Branch Library.