Everywhere I go I find a pal

There are two kinds of people.
One kind likes to eat distinct and separate things on their plate. Another kind schmooshes everything together.
Thus, at Thanksgiving, the first group of people carefully puts turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and cranberry relish in separate parts of their dinner plate. They eat the food as its own item. The last thing they want to do is combine flavors and textures.
These same people are the ones that eat M & Ms based on their colors. They may even arrange the candies by color prior to eating them The second group of people plop the same turkey, mashed potatoes, beans and cranberry on their plate, but refuse to eat the food in separate piles. They stir the whole thing together, all of the colors and flavors of the food mixed together in a homogenous swirl. These are people who care less about what things taste like, but concentrate on how they taste together.
I probably lean towards the first group. I like the distinct taste of stuff, but I am less concerned if some of the cranberry relish leaks over into the gravy-covered turkey. I appreciate the mixture. It’s like mixing paints together.
There are two kinds of people.
One kind likes white turkey meat at Thanksgiving; the other kind prefers the dark meat.
The white meat people enjoy that classic turkey flavor. It is savory, but bland. The white slabs of breast meat become a vehicle for gravy. That is where the flavor is.
The second group likes turkey dark meat. Here, the meat is moister, full of flavor. It doesn’t really need gravy, but, if there is gravy, that doesn’t hurt. Dark meat is an adventure.
I am a wing man, personally. I like the large morsel of white meat with all of the crunchy skin.
There are two kinds of people.
One kind likes pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. The other kind likes apple pie.
Pumpkin pie advocates like the flavor, sure, but mostly the firm, custard-like texture. It is smooth. It has great mouth-feel. Pumpkin pie spices work well with canned pumpkin, too. They boost the flavor but are hardly noticed.
Apple pie lovers, on the other hand, appreciate the pie’s chunkiness. You can actually see and taste the fruit in this pie. Apple pie is actually two flavors. There is the taste of the apples, which can vary, depending on variety. Then there is the taste of the sugary, spiced coating that goes over the apples. This is a whole different thing. Apple pie is two flavors in one pie.
I will always eat a piece of pumpkin pie before I start on an apple pie, but, sooner or later, I will finish both.
There are two kinds of people.
One kind thinks there are two kinds of people; the other doesn’t.
Personally, I wouldn’t have anything to do with either group.