
Send Athens news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Athens Acres
The Athens Acres 4-H Club met on Nov. 21 in the Athens High School music room.
Pledges were said and roll call was taken with 40 members present. November birthdays were Carlee Leffel, Heidi Verpoorten, Sierra Berger and Terah Schreiner.
The secretary minutes and treasury reports were approved as read.
Under the committee reports, the Cloverbuds will meet at Jenny Lipinski’s home on Dec. 1 to make two Christmas craft projects and decorate cookies. Old business was discussed. Enrollments are complete and a few families owe for fees.
The club’s 40th anniversary celebration turned out well. The group raked leaves for Make a Difference day, as 13 members worked to get the communities’ leaves raked. After the last meeting, club members assembled college care packages to send to our alumni. A few thank you notes were read from them.
Karen Schmitt reported the Edgar Holiday Parade was a success and she had a good turnout for the parade.
Under new business, the club collected food and clothing for the Circle of Joy. Athens Fair checks were handed out. The county is planning a candy bar sale in March.
A donation was received from A& L Oil for the club’s 40th anniversary. Jenny Passehl made two 4-H blankets the club gave away at the meeting. Erika Zettler and Dailyn Schmitt were the lucky winners.
After the next meeting club members decorated cookies to donate to the Salvation Army. The Ha-Ha-Box winner was Nick Pittman.
The club’s next meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 7 p.m. in the Athens High School music room.
Weekly knitting
Adults can practice their knitting, crocheting and more on a weekly basis with new sessions of Needle Arts afternoons from 1-4 p.m. each Tuesday until Dec. 31 at the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch, located at 221 Caroline Street.
A daughter, Isla Grace, was born to Jeanna and Brent Tessmer of Milan on Nov. 20, 2019, at Aspirus Birthing Center in Medford.
The baby weighed eight pounds and was 20 inches long. She joins two siblings, Gustice, 3, and Mattie, 2.
Grandparents are Bruce and Sue Tessmer of Dorchester, Elaine Robertson of Mount Pleasant, Texas, and Gary Bracher of Colfax. Greatgrandparents are Elaine Tessmer of Dorchester and Audrey Bracher of Elk Mound.
Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens card group met on Nov. 21 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Three games of Sheepshead were played. David Perrodin won the first game and Pat Frank took second place. Norbert Lake won the second game and Ceil Frank placed second. Jan Lake won the third game and Bitsy Ewan took second place. Butch Boris received low score.
The Senior Citizens card group is not playing this Thursday because of Thanksgiving. Card playing will resume at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 5, at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Deer hide collection
The Athens Lions Club is collecting deer hides again during the nine-day gun deer hunting season.
Hunters can drop off their deer hides at Athens Lion Chad Pecher’s house, located at 1116 CTH A in rural Athens.
Anyone with questions on the deer hide collection should call Pecher at 715-432-7919.
Advent meals
Wednesday Advent Meals will be served in Trinity Lutheran Church basement in Athens from 5-6:30 p.m. on Dec. 4, 11 and 18.
There is a free will offering to help cover the meal expenses and to help Trinity’s youth to raise funds for the 2020 Youth Mission Trip to Benton Harbor, Mich.
The Dec. 4 Advent Meal consists of cheesy broccoli and chili soup. The Dec. 11 menu is chicken dumpling and chili soup and the Dec. 11 meal includes cheesy potato and chili soup. All meals includes grilled cheese sandwiches, salad, beverage and dessert.
Library event
Adults and teens can create and decorate their own planner, journal or diary at the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch, located at 221 Caroline Street.
They are welcome to visit the Athens library any time it’s open from Dec. 5-12 to participate in this free event, in which all supplies will be provided. People wanting more information on this event should call the library at 715257-7292.