
Send Stratford news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Lions meet
The Stratford Lions recently held its November meeting at the Stratford Community Hall.
Members and Lions District Gov. Bill Mueller enjoyed social time and a meal prepared by Lions George Schmidt and Scott Winch.
Lion president Paul Rozak started the evening’s meeting. The October minutes were approved. Officer’s reports were read and approved. Committee reports were read and discussed.
Meeting items of note included the Stratford Lions donating $100 to the Wisconsin Lions Mission, which will be used to help provide meals at the Shell Lake Indian Reservation. The Lions also donated $100 to the Stratford Christmas in the Park event, and $900 to the Stratford Boy Scouts to help pay their chapter dues.
Lion 27C-1 District Gov. Bill Mueller and his spouse, Rita, spoke to the attending members. The Stratford Lions donated $350 to the Stratford Badger State Girls, $450 to the Stratford Angel Tree and $100 to the Lion 27C1 Vision account.
A big thank you and Lion Power clap was given to chairman Lion Dale Dooge for all the time and effort he has spent collecting and transporting the used eye glasses and hearing aids to the Lions camp for the past 40 plus years. Lion Dale will turn over his chairmanship to Barry Brubaker, but he wanted to thank all the people that have dropped off their used glasses and hearing aids at Partners Bank. The Stratford Lions will continue to collect eye glasses and hearing aids at Partners Bank for this rewarding Lion’s Club program.
District Gov. Mueller presented Milestone Chevron Awards to the following club members: Don Uthmeier, 25 years; Randy Krebsbach, 35 years; Paul Pankratz, 40 years; Mike McMeeken and George Chrouser, 45 years and Bob Ulrich, 60 years.
The club’s next meeting is Jan. 15 at the Stratford Community Hall.
Adult quilting
People can work on their quilting projects from 1-3 p.m., on Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the Stratford Community Hall, located at 118900 Larch St.
Each month, Marathon County Branch Stratford library staff will share quilting skills and techniques with attendees of this program.
Attendees should bring their own supplies and ongoing projects, and the library will provide patterns and instruction books to further their experience.
MAREA meets
The November Marshfield Area Retired Educator’s Associaiton (MAREA) meeting was called to order by president Ruby Thomas, followed by the Flag Pledge and approval of the October minutes and treasurer’s report being placed on file.
Vlasta Blaha was introduced as a guest. There were 17 members in attendance. A thank you note was read from Athens Circle of Joy for food and monetary donations received from MAREA.
Under committee reports, the WREA Foundation box will be circulated in January. A new volunteer hour recording sheet was prepared and distributed by Karen Winkler. Scholarship chair Ruby Pinter stated this year’s scholarships will be awarded following receiving grades and confirmed second semester attendance by two recipients.
Carol Subera gave a pension report. Carol Ballerstein requested members visit homebound members during this holiday season with a Christmas card and well wishes from the MAREA organization.
Doreen Schultz gave a legislative update with special mention of bills pending, including redistricting and teacher subbing. Doreen reported 43 percent of U.S. citizens live in poverty. Schultz stated that International Democracy Organization has labeled the U.S. a partial democracy because of political campaign financing etc.
Under new business, National Education Week is Nov. 18-22. Foundation Challenge Program grants were given a reminder to those who signed up to contact a local school. Congratulations and a little gift was given to those members with perfect meeting attendance the past year.
The Spring District 3 meeting is May 6, 2020. The MAREA’s December meeting will be brief and include a party. Members are asked to bring one pound of something to the meeting and these items will be used for prizes.
Under old business, Mary Denk won the door prize. Thank you to Carol Ballerstein for providing a meeting treat and to meeting greeters Cindee Loos and Dorothy Dietsche. The meeting’s donations will be given to Marshfi eld Soup and Socks, with Ruby Pinter delivering. Members were reminded an Education Chair is needed for the MAREA local.
The meeting adjourned to speaker Nancy Kramer, a representative of AMBA (Association Member Benefits Advisors). Kramer reviewed member benefits with special mention of Long Term Care and MASA, which covers travel and has been in business since 1974 and has an A plus rating. She also spoke about Medicare cuts taking place between 2013 and 2022.
Library event
Tweens and kids can listen to C.S. Lewis’ classic book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” on audiobook as they make Narnia-themed crafts and play Narnia-themed games during a free event from 3-7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch, located at 213201 Scholar St.
Youth quilting
Children will have a chance to learn how to quilt with a monthly program that begins on Saturday, Nov. 26, at the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch.
Attendees will be taught how to design their quilt on paper and then learn the fundamentals of hand quilting. This youth quilting program is open to children ages 10 and older. People can call the Stratford library at 715-687-4420 for more information.
Deer hide collection
The Stratford Lions Club will continue collecting deer hides for the Lions Camp only at its trailer, located on STH 97 just south of the intersection of STH 153 and 97. A limited deer hide collection period will begin this Friday, Nov. 22 and last until Sunday, Dec. 8.
The Lions Club is asking people to be respectful by only placing deer hides in the trailer. The Lions Club can no longer dispose of deer heads or legs. Anyone with questions about the Stratford Lions Club deer hide collection should call Lion Barry Brubaker at 715-6161155.