
MAREA meets
The October meeting of Marshfield Area Retired Educators Association (MAREA) was called to order by president Ruby Thomas with 32 members and one guest in attendance. The secretary’s report was approved and the treasurer’s report placed on file. A total of $273.50 was donated to the WREA Foundatuion.
Next on the agenda was the installation of new MAREA secretary Carol Ballerstein and treasurer Ruby Pinter. Dorothy Dietsche reported the Foundation donation box will be circulated, with donations going toward teacher and school grants.
Karen Winkler reported the new volunteer sign up sheets will be ready next meeting. Doreen Schultz, Legislative Issues chair, reported on being politically pro active with legislative contacts via post cards MAREA provided. Several bills were noted.
Carol Subera gave a pension report. Kathleen Hasenohrl, Health Issues reminded members of flu and shingles shots.
Ruby Pinter, Scholarship chair, stated a third $500 scholarship is possible in 2020. Trina Tiffany, membership, explained the new dues structure which took effect Nov. 1.
Under new business, Ruby Pinter explained honorary membership at the state level and in MAREA. Parochial teachers are welcome as Associtation members.
Reporting on the state convention, Carol Ballerstein told about the Wisconsin State Teacher of the Year. Ruby Pinter told about the paddleboat trip and Ruby Thomas explained the Challenge Award program. Members signed up to deliver applications to area schools.
Ruby Pinter donated five decorated pumpkins that were won by Barb Viegur, Dorothy Halle and Dorothy Dietsche. Meeting donations will be delivered to Circle of Joy, Athens, and delivered by Carol Ely, Mary Denk and Cheryl Eckert. National Education Week is Nov. 18-22.
October birthday song was sung for members, followed by adjournment to speaker Adam Schnabel, who is a 2006 Colby High School graduate. Adam told about his family’s journey to adopt two children. His story spoke about domestic and foreign adoption process. Fake profiling and child trafficing does occur. High cost of adoption hinders middle income families from adopting.
Adam has authored a book telling their story: Losing Hope and Finding Faith. He challenged MAREA members to take a political stand so middle income families can afford adoption. His presentation concluded with questions and answers, and a drawing for two of his books.
Tiger Spirit Sale
Stratford High School Caring For Others Youth Service Organization (CFO) is holding its annual Tiger Spirit sale of items that are not specific to any sport or club but for all Stratford Tiger fans.
People can shop online at Team Sporting Goods Marshfi eld website. They then can click to open online store and scroll down to click on the Stratford CFO link to buy Tiger stadium chairs, hats, tshirts, jackets, hoodies and more. The sale runs until Monday, Nov. 18.
The items people purchase should arrive in the middle of December. People with questions about the sale should contact Mary Wussow, Missy Schmidt or Jamie Pankratz at Team Sporting Goods. Proceeds from this sale helps CFO help others through its community service projects.
Adult quilting
People can work on their quilting projects from 1-3 p.m., on Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the Stratford Community Hall, located at 118900 Larch St.
Each month, Marathon Catholic students learn about Saints
County Branch Stratford library staff will share quilting skills and techniques with attendees of this program. Attendees should bring their own supplies and ongoing projects, and the library will provide patterns and instruction books to further their experience.
Book Club
People can discuss the book titled, “A Gentleman in Moscow” by author Amor Toweles during Book Club at 1 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 18, at the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch.
Youth quilting
Children will have a chance to learn how to quilt with a monthly program that begins on Saturday, Nov. 26, at the Marathon County Public Library’s Stratford Branch.
Attendees will be taught how to design their quilt on paper and then learn the fundamentals of hand quilting. This youth quilting program is open to children ages 10 and older. People can call the Stratford library at 715-687-4420 for more information.
Historical Society will meet
Stratford Area Historical Society (SAHS) will hold a meeting at 1 p.m. this Thursday, Nov. 14, in the Stratford Community Hall.
At this meeting, SAHS members will be making plans for the Christmas Museum Open House being held in con- junction with Stratford’s Christmas in the Park on Saturday, Dec. 7. The public is welcome to attend this meeting to offer their suggestions.
Deer hide collection
The Stratford Lions Club will continue collecting deer hides for the Lions Camp only at its trailer, located on STH 97 just south of the intersection of STH 153 and 97. A limited deer hide collection period will begin on Friday, Nov. 22 and last until Sunday, Dec. 8.
The Lions Club is asking people to be respectful by only only placing deer hides in the trailer. The Lions Club can no longer dispose of deer heads or legs. Anyone with questions about the Stratford Lions Club deer hide collection should call Lion Barry Brubaker at 715-616-1155.