The Wedding Singer musical is this weekend

Athens students will perform The Wedding Singer musical this weekend in the Athens High School gym. Based on the Adam Sandler movie of the same name, The Wedding Singer musical, under the direction of Athens K-12 vocal music teacher Adam Triebold, is truly a blast from the past filled with 1980s flair and hair. The story revolves around wedding singer Robbie (Aaron Hartmann), who falls in love with waitress Julia (Kaitlyn Riehle). The only problem is Julia is engaged to be married with rich jerk Glen Guglia (Ethan Marohl). Will Robbie win over Julia, or is he doomed to be a casaulty of love? The Wedding Singer is targeted to a more mature audience than previous musicals. Featuring adult themes, mild language and alcohol references, parental guidance is suggested. Athens students will perform The Wedding Singer musical at 7 p.m. on both Friday, Nov. 8, and Saturday, Nov. 9, and at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 10, in the high school gym. There is a fee at the door for people wanting to attend the musical. The Wedding Singer cast members, from left to right, front row; Parker Tischauser, Kaitlyn Riehle, Aaron Hartmann, Ethan Marohl and Andrew Hartmann. Second row: Edison Marohl, Abby Olson, Elizabeth Van Rixel, Brock Thompson and Caleb Sarasin. Third row: Bill Hoffmann, Ali Vasquez-Yeager, Aleah Frahm, Arwyn Stewart, Riley Schultz-Becker, Danica Delis and Pretty Greathouse. Back row: Abby Van Rixel, Cassandra Riehle, Anna Nowicki, Ellyanne Manecke, Aaliyah Thompson, Cambrea Sarasin, Taylor Hein, Isabella Zastrow, Xandria Heier and Gracie Balz.