An Outdoorsman‛s Journal

Big River Duck Hunt
Hello friends: This week’s column is about going for it no matter what is thrown at you and sticking to the goal. I headed over to the Mississippi River near Desoto with my golden retrievers Fire and Ruby for two very solid days of exploring by canoe and duck hunting. Tuesday, Nov. 17 High 51, low 26 I left my home near Necedah at 3:30 a.m and was extremely excited. My plan was to launch my canoe at a boat landing near Desoto and paddle in the dark to a section of backwaters that I did very well in two years ago. This fall, duck hunters on the Mississippi River are witnessing extremely low water conditions and that would be a major negative for the pups and me.
On the first hunt, I was breaking skim ice with a paddle in the dark and also hitting the bottom with my paddle with most strokes. Decoys are placed, canoe is hidden, life is perfect. Two divers gave me a fly-over before shooting started and that was it for the next two hours. I did not see another bird.
I decided to make a long distance paddle south toward Ferryville and find “paradise.”
I stopped at the landing to get something out of my truck and was fortunate enough to speak with a hunter who told me to load up my canoe and drive to Ferryville as thousands of divers had arrived overnight.
I loaded up and made the drive and it was incredibly exciting to see thousands of ducks on the open big water near Ferryville.
I made a key decision that I was going to paddle north for about three miles until I hit a land mass that is a maze of channels and cattail marshes. I picked out my point and was 400 yards from it when a guide boat beat me to it. I had a good talk with the guide as he was placing decoys and continued north.
Second hunt, not a shot; the big water ducks were not coming close enough. Third hunt, same as the second. On the fourth hunt I spoke with the guy who gave me advice to drive to Ferryville. He had not fired a shot and I paddled further north. I am now over four miles from Ferryville and have not fired my gun.
At this time a very concerning northwest wind started blowing hard. Like a true duck hunter, I stuck it out until sunset and started paddling back toward Ferryville in big water with a tailwind that wanted to kick my butt. There is not room to describe it, but every wave that hit me in the dark wanted to toss me like a blanket in a dryer and when I made it to the landing I kissed the ground and changed my underwear. Wednesday, Nov. 18 High 46, low 27 Awake at 1:30 after a sleepless night in my enclosed trailer. Paddling north, hoping to beat the guide boats. Daybreak, fifth hunt, not even close to a shot. Another move is made toward Lansing, no shots, but I see some ducks working an area in shallow water with lots of cattails.
Seventh hunt, I put out two teal decoys and three mallards. Within one minute a flock of teal hit me from behind, which was a blind direction. I sail one at least 100 yards in the cattails. Ruby makes an epic retrieve.
I explore the cattails with the pups and can see that the beaver have made a dike system out of mud and the water is flowing directly to my canoe. Soon I have four teal and life is incredible. Fire, who is now 10, makes a retrieve.
My sixth bird — which gave me my limit — was another incredible, stick-with-it retrieve by Ruby.
I place my birds on the front seat of my canoe and begin the journey back to the landing. The pups and I arrived exactly when the guide boats did.
I had a good talk with the hunters who had paid $750 for a day on the water in a Sherman Tank. They were drooling at my limit and loved the pups and for the three hunters’ efforts had one duck.
The drive home was one of them where you gotta have the windows open and keep slapping your face to stay awake.
Today was a good day. Sunset