It was nice, a couple ….

It was nice, a couple of weeks ago, to have an early copy deadline. It put me in shape to handle another for this week. It’s the annual Thanksgiving Day issue, sometimes referred to as the deer hunting issue. I’ll be eating alone with Jackie since Rupe will be hunting. Then her families are having their own, so that should reduce my risk of getting the virus to almost nothing. My only concern is there are chances of eating too much as Jackie claims her kids will be bringing me stuff to eat. Then I know Sue is just waiting for the right opportunity to not only feed me, but send some leftovers home with me. Can I be any more thankful than that? I’ve been assured it is all freezeable.
A couple of weeks ago I just happened to catch the Loyal city crew busy putting up Christmas lights. At the time I thought they were a bit early, but can you believe it, the time arrived the other day and I thought, gee, it just seems the right day. Thankfully I don’t have much to put up, it is just kind of thought of getting at it. It was really nice Tuesday, sunny, but no wind. So the first part went good. Then I had a couple of choices. Wednesday was supposed to be warmer, but turned out chilly with a wind blowing. So that left me with Thursday coming up and you know the rule. Never do today what you can put of until tomorrow.
Along with Christmas lights a couple of other things are pointing us toward Christmas and the winter season. The Clark County Highway Department must know something about it. They have started to put up snow fences in certain spots. The arrival of more geese flying south is another sign. I wonder if they were a bit surprised today when I saw a flock landing on the Legion pond. Actually it wasn’t much of a pond anymore. Something like a skating rink. There is another batch down on the pond along Blue Bird Street and they not only are enjoying the pond, but what is left in the cornfields to the south after the picker went through.
The other day Kris Noeldner posted a picture on Facebbook that I got a kick out of. It was taken of her when she was 22, holding a muskie she had caught on Mead Lake. Of course Scott Schultz had to jump in and wondered if Doc Hable had seen it, or if she had taken it to Harry’s Barbershop. They had quite a visit back and forth and it all reminded me of a picture I took of Doc Hable one time. The Hables lived on the corner of Central and West Street and we lived just north of the Hables on West Street. One Sunday afternoon I was just going out of the house and I saw that this car had turned off Highway 98 and was headed toward me. There was an arm waving out both front windows. It was Doc Hable and his son Paul. They pulled up in front of the house and announced they had a fish and they wanted a picture of it. I assumed it was a muskie as excited as they were. I explained my camera was downtown at the TRG office so I’d meet them there.
After getting my camera out, I was getting ready to take Doc’s picture with his fish. I don’t know why I asked, but I said to him, “You just caught one?” It was one of those times when I had gotten the best of him.
Speaking of Facebook, I will have to admit a lot of good jokes come up on it. The other day there was one about a wife’s to do list and she had the items all numbered. At the end of the day she looked it over and noticed he had done 1, 3, 5 and 7. She had to ask about the rest and her husband replied, “I was just doing odd jobs, so I just picked the odd numbers”. Figures I guess.
My travels around the countryside this week took me on some roads which were brand new to me. A few weeks ago I’d been driving up Resewood Avenue to see how far it went. I ended up at Highway 29. So the other day I decided to see how far it went to the south. I got as far as Highway 10 and maybe it goes beyond that. It was pretty interesting as I came on to several bunches of deer, but was too busy to see if any had horns. Then yesterday I was off on another little trip, crossing the river at Greenwood and traveling up River Avenue and then taking Sidney Avenue until it turned into Popple River Road. I’d been on it several times and recall visiting the Forest Hill Cemetery looking for Civil War veteran graves. After crossing Highway O, I kept going beyond Resewood and turned south on Sterling Avenue. Quite a difference in terrace as there are lots of hills and plenty of woods, but no deer. It just kept going and I finally turned back toward Loyal at the 26 Road. Where it goes beyond that is another day’s adventure. As for what was going on, well, not much of anything. Still a few fields of corn to be picked, and the semis continue to bring it in to the mills. I’m guessing a lot more will be picked before the weekend.
Not much new on the political scene. President-Elect Biden is trying to put his administration together, but is not getting any cooperation from the White House or Republican senators. What I find interesting is how many votes there are in the hometowns of the candidates. I always felt you needed to win at home if you want to win an election. Four years ago Clinton got nearly three million more votes in New York than the president. This time around the margin was even more. Something like five million votes. Then look at Washington, D.C. The president has lived there for four years. Of the ballots cast in the city he got five percent. That’s right, one, two, three, four and five. Time to shut up and admit you lost.