Touchdowns and a buck down on same weekend for Edgar senior

THE RECORD-REVIEW Kyle Brewster, a senior at Edgar High School, will forever remember the third weekend in October this year.
In back-to-back weekend days, Kyle scored five touchdowns on only six offensive touches in the Edgar football team’s dominating 47-6 home win on Friday, Oct. 16. The Wildcats remain undefeated this season.
On the very next night, Kyle shot and killed his first deer using a compound bow and arrow. It just so happened the first deer he bagged with his bow was a 7-point buck.
Kyle, the son of Gary and Shelia Brewster of Edgar, ran the ball three times for 123 yards and two touchdowns in his team’s victory against Thorp. He also caught three passes for 70 yards and three touchdowns against the Cardinals.
After watching his football game highlights on the local television’s sports segment, Kyle went to bed at 10:30 p.m. He woke up at 5:45 a.m. the next morning and put on his camouflage bow hunting gear. He also sprayed his hunting clothing with no scent spray so the deer wouldn’t be able to smell him in his hunting stand in the woods.
Kyle descended on a long walk to his bowhunting stand inside the woods on his aunt’s land just outside of Edgar. He unfortunately didn’t see any deer on this particular morning hunt. Not to be deterred, Kyle returned to the woods that night to sit in his hunting stand for an hour and a half before dusk in the pursuit of killing his first deer with his compound bow.
He’s deer hunted with a gun ever since he could remember, but he’s only deer hunted with a compound bow during the last two years.
At 5:45 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17, the buck walked toward his bowhunting stand. Kyle calmly pulled back his bowstring and shot the buck 15 yards away from his hunting stand.
“I knew I hit the deer because the arrow was sticking out of its body,” he said.
Kyle didn’t receive the adrenaline rush most hunters get when they shoot a deer, especially a buck, but it’s his cool and calm persona that also helps him wait patiently for his Edgar offensive linemen to block the opponent so he can hit the hole and sprint to the end zone for touchdowns.
He believes bowhunting helps him relax during the remainder of weekends after his great football games on Friday nights. He even watches football game film while
See BREWSTER on page 22
One night after scoring five touchdowns for the Edgar Wildcats, Kyle Brewster put an arrow through this 7-point buck.
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he’s waiting in his bowhunting stand for deer to show up.
After Kyle shot the 7-point buck with his arrow, it started to rain while he walked out of the woods to eat supper at his parent’s house. He later returned to the woods with a convoy of relatives including his father, uncle and grandpa to help him find the deer he wounded.
“It only took us five minutes to find the dead deer,” he said.
Kyle’s not sure, however, if he’ll get the buck mounted. That’s because the 7-pointer pales in comparison to the other bucks mounted on the walls inside his parent’s home.