Legion Auxiliary meets
The Oct. 13 Loyal American Legion Auxiliary meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. A prayer was offered by Gladys Zuehlke, followed by a moment of silence for all deceased members, including those recently passed: Jean Dahlby and Margaret Artz.
The secretary’s report was corrected and approved and the treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Correspondence: Thank you from Dale Beyer, Post Commander, for the Auxiliary’s donation of five more round tables.
Workers for the October steak feed were Norma W. and Jackie R. November helpers are Gladys Z. and Donna L.
The 7th District Conference, which was held at Loyal, was appreciated. Thank you from the outgoing President.
Changes to standing rules as follows: #1. The family of a deceased Auxiliary member will receive a donation of $20 given to their favorite charity. #2. The Auxiliary will pay membership dues for the Gold Star Mothers and 50-year members.
If you lose your magnetic pin, you must pay for a new one.
Blood Drive will be held Nov. 3 from 12:30 until 5:30. Helpers are Donna L., Norma W., and Jackie R.
New business: Veteran’s breakfast and chili feed to be scheduled.
Nov. 16-20 is National Education Week.The Auxiliary will donate educational bookmarks to St. Anthony and Loyal Elementary 4K thru 6th grade. Motion made by Gladys Z. and seconded by Kris S.
Kathy P. is in charge of poppies for 2021. The group welcomed new member Kathy Lyons. A donation of $25 by Mary Wahl toward the purchase of a veteran marker for Margaret Artz. Motion by Donna L., seconded by Norma W. for the Auxiliary to pay the difference.
Gladys Z. is donating a Christmas tree to decorate. Drawing was won by Julie P.
The meeting closed with Prayer. The next meeting is Nov. 10.
Submitted by: Kris Schultz, secretary